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Coincel_pro t1_itulg65 wrote

Please ignore the covid trolls below peddling misinformation. It could be covid, could also be RSV which is trending upward, could be multiple things.


Air quality has been terrible out west with the wildfires, has the jetstream moved any of that over to us in the past few days? Wondering if that might be playing a role.


Loveroffinerthings OP t1_ituo1ce wrote

I had stuffy/wheezy issues before my trip, then on my trip it was better. Legit got back to RI and started wheezing. It was like a switch.


Coincel_pro t1_ituywyn wrote

Do you get allergies? Wondering if theres a particular type of pollen / fungus in your area that's tripping it. It's been much wetter and warmer the past few days vs the ones before. Could have set something off.


Loveroffinerthings OP t1_itv4ske wrote

I never really had allergies until moving back to the east coast. I grew up in the woods, but I’ve read allergies can come on later in life too. I’m wondering if it’s just a bad year.


RandomChurn t1_itvv1k5 wrote

No one in my family has allergies. Yet I got them in my mid-30s. Definitely allergic asthma, plus tree pollen, dogs (probably cats but I haven't tried living with those since), maybe ragweed, and oral allergies to certain food, and probably other stuff too -- it's crazy. And sucks.

A lot of people have trouble with mold in the fall.