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Loveroffinerthings OP t1_itunubw wrote

I’ve talked to my doctor, she said to take Zyrtec, which does zip for me. It might be mold, not sure though. Is Ri particularly moldy this year 😂


dc_dobbz t1_itv0xfe wrote

Asthma and allergy sufferer here. Moving back to RI after 10 years was murder and it was all sensitivity to tree pollens. Go see allergy and asthma specialists. Don’t lean on your PC.


dc_dobbz t1_itv15vw wrote

Also, Zyrtec didn’t do Jack for me. I’ve been on Allegra for years now and it’s been great. But I would try them all out a month at a time until you find one that works.


Loveroffinerthings OP t1_itv4cs3 wrote

Thanks, I’ve tried zyzal or the one with the owl, but at night, so not sure if it worked well or not.


mooscaretaker t1_ituu8mm wrote

Yes! We're surrounded by trees and with the rain and falling leaves etc, the mold has been really high. I take claritan and it works better than Zyrtec


samskeyti_ t1_itw96wk wrote

This time of year is really hard for me, I am allergic to tree mold and just the rain and leaves and etc, I usually have a hard time. Air always feels 'heavy' if that makes sense.


Loveroffinerthings OP t1_itwaacm wrote

I totally know what you mean by heavy air, the humidity has been rough the past few days. I’m gathering that it is most likely mold from what many are saying.


samskeyti_ t1_itwd6sc wrote

yeah it's this perfect combo of humid plus mold