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mcsteam98 t1_it4prvc wrote

I moved here a year or so ago, so here’s what I’ve learned:

  • LA Cafe is probably the seediest place in the whole town. But, even then, use common sense and you’ll be good. (yes I live near here, yes I’ve seen my fair share of first responders, and no I haven’t felt too unsafe even at 9:45pm getting off the bus)

  • It’s not necessarily bad so to speak, but it’s still an old mill town that’s seen better days (much like Woonsocket).

  • If you’re expecting to use transit quite a bit, you’ll most likely want to stay around Arctic, as that’s where all the local routes meet (the express to Providence, and the locals to Woodland Apts. and Centre of New England, and to CCRI)

  • Piggybacking off the last point, if you’re looking for anything remotely walkable, I’d suggest staying around Arctic.

  • Lastly, be ready to run into a few nutjobs. Not the drug addict type, but rather the conspiracy theorist type. They’re few and far between (thank goodness), but I’ve met a few.