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Jazzbo64 t1_iuml426 wrote

Little Compton GOP is insane. Here's a post from the Little Compton Republicans' FB page:

Machado Erica
I still havent figured out why she lost. Was it the Russian's? or was it wikileaks ? or was it Podesta ? Or Comey ? or was it a sexual predator husband ? or was a staff's husband Wiener;s immoral pictures resulting in him going to prison for pedophelia porn? was it subpoena violation ? or was it the corrupt foundation ? or was it the congressional lies ? or was it the Bengazi bungle ? or was it pay for play ? or was it travel gate scandal ? or was it whitewater scandal ? or the cattlegate scandal ? Or the TrooperGate scandal ? Or was it the $15 million for Chelsea's apt bought with foundation money, Chelsea's wedding paid for with Foundation money ? Or Comey's investigation ? Or her husbands interference with Loretta Lynch and the investigation ? Or was it stealing debate questions ? Was it forensically deleting 30,000 emails ? Was it the Seth Rich murder ? Was it calling half the USA deplorable ? Was it the underhanded treatment of Bernie Sanders ? Was it the Vince Foster murder ? The Jennifer Flowers assault ? The Jennifer Flowers settlement ? The Paula Jones law suit ? The $800,000 Paula Jones settlement ? The lie about taking on sniper fire ? The impeachment ? The 6 billion $ she "lost" when in charge of the state dept ? The 10 million she took for the pardon of Marc Rich ? Her wish to abolish the Electoral college in future voting, selling uranium to the Russians,? Gee, I just cant quite put my finger on it, but it seems to be right in front of me....


canibringmydog t1_iumoflp wrote

It blows my mind that anyone can read that kind of stuff and say “these people know what they’re talking about”. It’s absolute ramblings.


The-Gnome t1_iumwvmw wrote

The people reading are predisposed to hate and they’re definitely not the brightest. It’s made me a bit depressed.


boulevardofdef t1_iunpqp2 wrote

I'm always reluctant to say this because I don't want to accidentally offend the wrong people, but I've long found using a space before a question mark to be a surprisingly good indicator of low intelligence. I've seen people I respect do it, but extremely rarely.


GordonAlfredShumway t1_iuozq6a wrote

That, or using ... between sentences instead of a comma or single period and a space.

Democrats...SORRY meant DEMONRATS LOL...pushing there agenda...look what there doing to this families values left...go woke go broke lol...


whatsaphoto t1_iumx3gr wrote

200 years ago they would have simply been considered the town square idiot and cast aside as such, but now because of social media their insane thoughts and opinions are constantly being reinforced by thousands of other town square idiots every day on town square idiot forums across the globe day in and day out with absolutely zero sense of self awareness to be found.

edit: To be fair, this person almost certainly has some form or another of mental illness, and while I hope they somehow find some peace I also really, really hope they keep themselves and those around them safe by not doing silly things like storming the US capitol.


JimmyHavok t1_iumzw24 wrote

Unfortunately, these town square idiots are being funded by people who want to use them to get their taxes cut and their polluting unregulated.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_iun00ai wrote

I think it's more than just social media amplifying it. It's pretty clear that people go down rabbit holes and get increasingly radicalized. I'm not sure I'd dismiss it as mental illness.

It's closer to someone who's been sucked into a cult. I do think that online spaces and discourse have warped people's brains where it is a lot easier to get sucked into more extreme ideology and logic and harder to stop the tumble down the rabbit hole.

And, no, this is not a phenomenon limited to one party or political ideology.


somegridplayer t1_iumyzo8 wrote

Buddy, the whole south coast is a trainwreck. Check out the Dartmouth and New Bedford FB pages. It's full of the same insane assholes.