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buddhamanjpb t1_iunjwdm wrote

Just curious how you feel about religious symbolism on state property? Are you ok with crosses and nativity scenes on state land? In public schools?

Also, if you started this thread with that statement, rather than picking a fight, this could have been a much better conversation instead of immediately thinking I was attacking your ideals.


southofthetower t1_iunkvsb wrote

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. There is a reason between church and state. There are private schools for religion. State schools should be best of all religions... there is also a reason, why these flags are not flown at state schools....

I agree with your last statement. I was not looking for a fight, but rather a thoughtful discussion. I was attacked right from my first post, so I apologize for protecting my ideals.