Submitted by natb15 t3_yjon5a in RhodeIsland

If I’m changing car insurance companies for a better policy- do I need to notify the Rhode Island dmv and how would I do that? Thanks in advance! I couldn’t find any info on the dmv site



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RunEnvironmental4932 t1_iupgr8x wrote

The insurance information should transfer over automatically. However, if you get a letter in the mail requesting verification of insurance, DONT IGNORE IT! It means something went wrong on the back-end and it is extremely annoying to resolve once your registration is suspended. It's not often but it does happen.


Far_Ad9846 t1_iuq08d3 wrote

True, if you get the letter send it to your agent, they will know what to do


FuriouslyFurious007 t1_iup4sf5 wrote

When it's time to renew your registration there is an insurance section to complete with the current (new) info.


techsavior t1_iupm7yg wrote

While you don’t immediately need to inform the DMV about new insurance, you do need to cancel the old policy yourself. We were led to believe that the new insurer would notify the old insurer about cancellation. Lesson learned: Don’t trust anybody.


digitalbulet t1_iupp0fd wrote

Not sure if you’re aware of this or not, but the old insurance company that you thought you cancelled should automatically refund you money for the period that you were double covered. Sometimes they send a check in the mail so don’t throw out any envelopes from them!


techsavior t1_iupp53m wrote

This is years’ old advice, and all has been corrected since then.


Academic_Actuary_971 t1_iuoyyk0 wrote

No. You’ll input the info when you register your car, but you don’t need to provide updates when you change your policy.


DullWriter3040 t1_iup5ges wrote

When you renew your registration next time you just report the new policy number.