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shenbapiroswap t1_iuusqet wrote



ragnar723 OP t1_iuustrn wrote

Have you seen big rhody yourself?


BlueEyedRage t1_iuws0yw wrote

A good friend of mine saw an albino Bigfoot just outside W. Alton Jones campus in West Greenwich


ragnar723 OP t1_iuxe499 wrote

Really? Where was it, in the trees? Do you have any more specific info?


BlueEyedRage t1_iuxhtck wrote

I was standing out on Gardiner rd, if i went to the road i could see the stars better, it was in the road too, maybe 10 or so feet away from me.

Sorry, I thought I was responding to a different post. My friend and another friend were taking a short cut behind my buddys house to go meet up with a 3rd friend. They went past a pond on the back side of Leyden's tree farm and they heard something off to their left. When they turned to look they said they saw a large, white, hairy, muscular creature running along on all fours like a gorilla. It ran along side them for a split second, then turned off into the woods and they ran for their lives in the other direction. They each told me the same story, not in each other's presence, and they haven't changed the story for a decade or so.


ragnar723 OP t1_iuypzjf wrote

Interesting. Normally when I hear stories about Bigfoot he's usually walking on 2 legs upright like a human. It's possible it could have been something else but definitely nothing that would be a normal native animal. Maybe I'll go looking out in the woods near that area, very interesting. Thanks for the info!