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ragnar723 OP t1_iuvujbn wrote

Could you elaborate on the floating apparitions? What did they look like? Is the house still there? Different owners?


AlabasterRadio t1_iuvusd7 wrote

Just white mist-like things. Those were really rare. House is still there but it's been entirely remodeled by my uncle who is now the owner. We don't really talk about the house now that it's only the one guy living there. (Used to be 8-10 at any given time)


ragnar723 OP t1_iuxetqz wrote

Interesting, did they take shapes or were just arbitrary? And inside the house correct?


AlabasterRadio t1_iuxfjsv wrote

The one time I saw it I didn't think it was shaped much like anything, maybe vaguely humanoid if you stretch the definition. And yeah I saw it in the second floor kitchen. My sister claims to have seen it on the third floor and my ex girlfriend (who didn't have a great grip on reality tbh) claimed to see every time she came over (maybe hypocritical but I never did believe her lol)