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FourAM t1_iuyp18w wrote

Not watching the debate. Wouldn’t vote for awful GOP Ashley Klaus, she can go back to the North Pole or wherever she’s from.


nevitales OP t1_iuypj75 wrote

Yeah. We watched it for the comedy and it didn't disappoint.


techsavior t1_iuyzbi7 wrote

McKee is not good at public speaking, and Ashley Transplant is a master at tap dancing around a question. She’s a female Trump that is gonna bleed this state dry by the time she’s done.


mkmck t1_iv0izgo wrote

Wrong. When she's done, which will be Tuesday night, she'll head back to IL, or FL, or maybe whatever state she thinks she can buy an elected seat in when 2024 rolls around. She won't do anything to RI.


saucyname t1_iuzg74a wrote

I’m taking bets on if she’s elected she’ll use her executive power to pay her cash grab Covid company and then never use it again claiming it’s not effective.


Downtown-Armadillo58 t1_iv0dpqj wrote

Kalus had a mud hole stomped in her last night. She was rattled, frazzled, unprepared and crapped her pants. She was countered on just about everything and didn't know how to respond when countered. She was angry and bitter.

Side note. Gene V sucks and needs to be removed from television


mkmck t1_iv0jaxe wrote

>Side note. Gene V sucks and needs to be removed from television

Long past time for that to happen. Let him stick to his Limbaugh-esque radio crap.


saucyname t1_iv1138q wrote

He didn’t even try to hide he has a total boner for the GOP and was not neutral at all.


Mountain_Bill5743 t1_iv2tavk wrote

I've seen limited tv ads/interviews and she just always comes across temperamental. How does someone like that expect to be governor?


techsavior t1_iuz0ora wrote

When was the last time she had to worry about paying bills?


nevitales OP t1_iv0wsmo wrote

That was our first thought when she spurted that line out. Laughable.


Doodledoodledewd t1_iv0iirh wrote

They’re both awful. So sad that these two are our choices this year. This is why we need rank choice primaries. Literally any of the other Dems would have been better than McKee on the debate stage, and certainly in office. I’m still going to vote for him, because Ashley Kalus is an insincere opportunist riding the coattails of an insurrection for her own personal gain vs McKee who is just a bag of wind but at least he votes the right way on most things. (Not all things though!) this election is sad. RI can do way better. I hope everyone who complains about elections on Reddit gets involved volunteering for campaigns IRL


mkmck t1_iv0jme7 wrote

Agree 100%. I'm so tired of having to choose who I hate the least, rather than someone I actually support.


randomusename t1_iuz797j wrote

McKee saying he wouldn't lay out legal strategy for appealing the truck tolls ruling was silly, like they are going have a surprise moment in court where they spring some zinger out. We know thats not how that works, McKee was just clueless there


ases8089 t1_iv0ffa1 wrote

i love how she was like - i would do it this way or work with this one or make it happen - yes because in politics everyone is gonna work with you because... your just so awesome? i turmed it off because it was just so rediculous


Hotwheels-666 t1_iuzmmoz wrote

Anywhere I can watch this? New RI resident, I've done a decent amount of research into candidates but debates are something else.


RI-Transplant t1_iv1jih5 wrote

I thought Ashley came off better, she actually has some plans. But she really lost her cool when she was under the gun. I don’t know how well she would do under stress.


southofthetower t1_iv1277r wrote

Every DEMOCRAT in the senate for to fire UNVACCINATED workers everywhere.

Remember that when you are voting next week.


nevitales OP t1_iv133e0 wrote

What's your point? To point out that the Republicans didn't care about public health during a pandemic?


captain_carrot t1_iv1n1qv wrote

The vaccine did nothing to stop the spread or prevent people from getting COVID. We know this now, and the knee-jerk reaction to fire people for choosing not to get it wasn't the right answer.


anal_gland_expressor t1_iv1us3z wrote

It’s biggest strength was that it kept the infected from hospitalization and death. Overwhelming the health care system was always the biggest concern.


southofthetower t1_iv14gjb wrote

no, to have enough common sense to not shut down the country over the common cold.


A-A-ronRI t1_iv18792 wrote

Please show us support for your claim that it was comparable to the common cold during the time period that things were shut down. And I’m not asking for “well I got it and I felt fine” because same here but you don’t see me mistaking anecdotal evidence for mathematically supported data. Sure, maybe now it seems to be comparable to a cold or pneumonia but you cannot support your claim for early on in the pandemic.


southofthetower t1_iv1c2vn wrote

yes. Information is out there. hard to find under the suppressed "misinformation" that turns out now, to be true all along.


A-A-ronRI t1_iv1xn3w wrote

Go look at excess deaths over that period of time and let me know how you account for the additional 900k deaths.


southofthetower t1_iv1y2pe wrote

when you get in a car accident, suicide, overdose, cancer, etc and its all classified as covid, that may be a reason. you should probably look deeper. also, during that period of time there were no reported flu deaths. explain that to me.


A-A-ronRI t1_iv2efos wrote

So I know we’ve seen reports of deaths where covid is listed when they die in the car accident, and that would make for an okay argument that the covid deaths are inflated. However, it does not explain the number of excess deaths over expected or the increase in deaths over the prior years. If the number or excess deaths were more in the ballpark of 50k (which is high end on flu deaths most years), then you could make the argument that it is no more deadly than the flu, but that number is near a million, and I think we can agree that that would require death rates for all other causes to be abnormally accelerated.


assholetoall t1_iv2c9hn wrote

You know this is a Rhode Island sub and Rhode Island does not have a Milwaukee County right?


southofthetower t1_iv2saaj wrote

Previous poster asked for data to support my claim. I provided. Unfortunately we don’t have doctors in RI with enough backbone to speak out. Why??? Have you seen what they’ve been paid. It’s like shooting a gift horse in the mouth.


drzaius17 t1_iv0ts97 wrote

Can’t wait to see the comments on Tuesday when she wins. Internal polling of the McKee campaign has them in a dead heat.


Null_Error7 t1_iuzyjms wrote

I was honestly impressed with Ashley’s debate skills. Definitely shredded ol Danny.

Real solutions? Not many between the two of them.


dman_usa t1_iuyncch wrote

ri is in a good position to elect Ashley. Clear winner of the debate. Dan McKee couldn’t bullshit his way out of this debate


Guyincognito4269 t1_iv0i38d wrote

So you prefer bullshit? Not shocking seeing as you like Kalus.


mkmck t1_iv0jfvt wrote

Have you ever seen this clown's posting history? He lives on bullshit...devours it like it's the last meal he'll ever have.


Guyincognito4269 t1_iv0khtw wrote

No, and generally I don't bother. The stupid they post is generally enough for me.


mkmck t1_iv0lvm8 wrote

Gotcha. It is amusing if you're looking to kill some time. Calling this guy stupid is an insult to stupid people.