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southofthetower t1_iv1c2vn wrote

yes. Information is out there. hard to find under the suppressed "misinformation" that turns out now, to be true all along.


A-A-ronRI t1_iv1xn3w wrote

Go look at excess deaths over that period of time and let me know how you account for the additional 900k deaths.


southofthetower t1_iv1y2pe wrote

when you get in a car accident, suicide, overdose, cancer, etc and its all classified as covid, that may be a reason. you should probably look deeper. also, during that period of time there were no reported flu deaths. explain that to me.


A-A-ronRI t1_iv2efos wrote

So I know we’ve seen reports of deaths where covid is listed when they die in the car accident, and that would make for an okay argument that the covid deaths are inflated. However, it does not explain the number of excess deaths over expected or the increase in deaths over the prior years. If the number or excess deaths were more in the ballpark of 50k (which is high end on flu deaths most years), then you could make the argument that it is no more deadly than the flu, but that number is near a million, and I think we can agree that that would require death rates for all other causes to be abnormally accelerated.


assholetoall t1_iv2c9hn wrote

You know this is a Rhode Island sub and Rhode Island does not have a Milwaukee County right?


southofthetower t1_iv2saaj wrote

Previous poster asked for data to support my claim. I provided. Unfortunately we don’t have doctors in RI with enough backbone to speak out. Why??? Have you seen what they’ve been paid. It’s like shooting a gift horse in the mouth.