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Abaraji t1_iv3tigo wrote

Are charges NOT something we should consider? I feel like that's important


Hotwheels-666 t1_iv47a0i wrote

I'd say if someone went from petty theft to running for office over two decades, it's worth considering that they have put a great amount of effort into making their own life much better. I'd consider that a bonus for someone who'd be charged with doing the same for the state.

People can change. I have a criminal record from 20 years ago, and I am not that same kid anymore. It also looks a great deal worse on paper than it ever was in real life, and those are convictions. These are charges. From 20 years ago? Doesn't that mean she was probably found not guilty or they were dropped?

Something like this humanizes her to a ton of people. It does to me.


Null_Error7 t1_iv52v83 wrote

Assault with a dangerous weapon is a serious charge


Hotwheels-666 t1_iv57o2j wrote

But it is a charge, not a conviction. You know the difference?


bunnybates t1_iv66965 wrote

Most people don't. They just see the words and hastily make up their minds. It's very common and frustrating.


Abaraji t1_iv49svu wrote

I do agree with you that it shouldn't necessarily be a deal breaker. And you're right that it only states charges, not convictions.

My point is that it's silly to say those are things that shouldn't even be considered.


Hotwheels-666 t1_iv4aw26 wrote

Who said that?


Abaraji t1_iv4f1ea wrote

Isn't that the point of this post?


Hotwheels-666 t1_iv571bw wrote

Re read the title. It seems like it's pointing out the hypocrisy of the mailer existing considering the other parties past as well. Certainly not saying nothing is to be considered.


8pointstar t1_iv81i6w wrote

This is a very good point that her life trajectory may have improved greatly and the work necessary to make that happen speaks well of her. This assumes that she repudiates the acts in question ofc. Some would vigorously defend any and all theft from big corps ... but that's another debate.
Why does any of this "humanize" her for you though? If someone hasn't committed a crime, are they less human, less real, less relatable? Genuinely curious about this.


Hotwheels-666 t1_iv84qdp wrote

Lots of people have turned their lives around and don't want to be judged by youthful transgressions. I'm one of them. It makes her seem more like a normal person trying to do some good than another rich person doing rich person stuff.


Stella430 t1_iv54bjp wrote

CHARGED, not convicted. Fung was charged with vehicular manslaughter but not indicted. Mommy and Daddy paid out the lawsuit. One was charged with stealing, one with charged with killing a person


whatsaphoto OP t1_iv6t6us wrote

Thank you, this is precisely what I'm trying to say here lol


bunnybates t1_iv65ybd wrote

Not really because she's put a bunch of effort into her life the past 20 years.