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User0098237490 t1_iv7ypff wrote

Shit shouldn’t be legal to do. I automatically resent any candidate who does shit like that.


Doodledoodledewd t1_iv9rie4 wrote

Sometimes an organization that endorses a candidate, like a local union or planned parenthood or something will text on behalf of a candidate without the candidate’s knowledge. So please don’t let the mild annoyance of a text turn you off from a good candidate! The midterms and local elections are crucial and people are trying to use every tool they have to get their messages heard


User0098237490 t1_iva32ca wrote

Most of the candidates are already shitty as it is, so I have no idea what you’re talking about. I can’t believe there are people out there that seriously have no issue with this whatsoever. Annoying the fuck out of people with actual mail, emails, and texts isn’t the way to get their vote.


Doodledoodledewd t1_iva3qwd wrote

What is? I mean. I know it’s annoying, but campaigns are annoying. Most mailers get thrown in the trash, most emails get deleted, most voters don’t actually watch debates and forums, and candidates can’t physically knock on every door. They have to reach voters somehow. How would you suggest they do that without being annoying?


User0098237490 t1_iva5v7v wrote

I’d suggest they don’t do it at all since most people already have their mind made up as to who they’re going to vote for and the 5-10% of people who don’t, aren’t gonna have their mind swayed one way or another by a candidate’s campaign.


Doodledoodledewd t1_iva647n wrote

That’s not true. Undecided voters especially in local and state elections are a much larger group than that, and the campaigning makes a huge difference in elections. Maybe try volunteering for a local campaign, it might change the way you see this.


User0098237490 t1_iva7y9p wrote

They’re never a much larger group than that, ever. People lie to polls.

I’d never volunteer for a local campaign and I know damn well it wouldn’t change my mind. You have political brain rot.


Doodledoodledewd t1_iva9aca wrote

Thanks for diagnosing my political brain rot! I’ve been wondering what that smell was! I guess the best treatment for that is to stick my head in the sand while ultra right-wing Christian nationalists get elected to local school Committees and start banning books and firing gay teachers. At least I won’t have to see any of those pesky text messages ! 😄👍


thorusoma t1_iv93q2h wrote

If voting was mandatory it wouldn't happen. Unfortunately a lot of people don't vote and that's why we do it. Voting is very important and we want the will of the people to represent the people. We're mostly volunteers trying to have elections that favor our neighbors ❤️


pspetrini t1_iv9a6z3 wrote


No one wants your texts.



thorusoma t1_ivdp2vs wrote

If people voted more reliably we wouldn't text you. Fix the root issue and you free yourself of volunteers trying to help you


pspetrini t1_ivdqieo wrote

I've voted in every election since I was old enough to do so.

I don't have to fix shit and it should be illegal for asshole campaigns to send me unsolicited text messages.

For the record, I had no dogs in any fights during the primaries. So I took my phone with me and scrolled through my messages and voted AGAINST anyone who messaged me.

Fuck out of here with that shit.


Davecasa t1_iv9tbqp wrote

FYI, when everyone reports your spam texts, you get on lists of spammers and automatically blocked, making it difficult or impossible to contact people for legitimate purposes.


thorusoma t1_ivdpjun wrote

I know. Do You have a better idea for reaching people and reminding them to vote? I'm all ears and love to hear them