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Cashmir13 t1_iv87o5c wrote

Here is an official definition for the word "liberal" when used as a noun:

"a supporter of a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise."

So now I must ask, being you obviously hate liberals, you must be the opposite of a liberal. But what is the opposite of a liberal? It is not conservative, because the opposite to conservative would be closer to "reformist" and many American's who are politically or fiscally Conservative value freedom and individual rights (many politicians currently in the democratic party are actually moderate/conservative like Hilary or Biden). The opposite of liberal is actually "Illiberal". But what is the definition of Illiberal you ask?

"opposed to liberal principles; restricting freedom of thought or behavior."

huh, so if we go based off the actual definitions of these words and not the garbage definitions the media provide to stir up their audience, it appears you support a non-liberal system such as monarchism, totalitarianism or fascism.