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Seismic_Surfer t1_ivcl04p wrote

URI’s Bay Campus has been limping along with inadequate buildings that were constructed in the 1970s as temporary structures. Considering its standing as a world class oceanographic research institution, its facilities are completely substandard. It is getting to the point where it is affecting the ability to attract and retain faculty. The buildings literally leak during moderate rainstorms, which impact ongoing tank-based studies. The state’s geography (Narragansett bay, and adjacent sounds) make it a very attractive setting for “blue” economic development. Having research facilities that better facilitate industry-academic-military partnerships will benefit the blue economy. There was a good article in the Boston Globe that highlighted the importance. I suppose it comes down to if you think tax dollars are being invested wisely. Up to you to decide.


Rhodysurf t1_ivcty3j wrote

Yeah this bind specifically targets the Ocean Engineering buildings which are downright embarrassing. I was an OE class of 14 and they were bad then and have gotten worse. It’s a no brainer of a question because OE program brings in big industry money especially with all the wind energy companies coming to our area. OE program is too notch


clambo14 t1_ivd7cpc wrote

I was in the OE program from 81-84. Those buildings were a mess 40 years ago. My understanding is that grants for research will pay for part of staff salaries and equipment. Tuition may pay for part of salaries, supplies, and equipment.

Buildings and major infrastructure improvements come from sources like this bond. The dock for the research vessel that replaces the Endeavor was paid for by previous state bond money. With the new pier in place, the federal government brings the new ship to the Bay campus, rather than to other locations like Woods Hole.


Rhodysurf t1_ivd7w8b wrote

A lot of it has to do with GSO owning the OE buildings and leasing them to Engineering Department since OE doesn’t fall under GSO. So GSO prioritized all their shiny buildings first and left sheets and Middleton to rot


Capecole t1_ivejec8 wrote

I have ridden my bike through the main URI campus and the bay campus and it’s pretty amazing how bad the bay campus buildings are comparatively. Just from the outside, as a casual observer, it’s clear that part of campus needs to be revamped.


_CaesarAugustus_ t1_iveo4tn wrote

This actually helped a lot. I had a very vague understanding heading into voting. Now I have a much firmer grasp.


oceanknit t1_ive659s wrote

As a graduate student currently on URI’s Bay Campus studying Ocean Engineering, I can confirm that these temporary buildings are more than a little problematic for such a top tier program. Not to mention many of the older buildings are not ADA compliant, making some offices, labs, classrooms inaccessible to disabled people.

The Ocean Engineering department conducts a lot of top tier research and has measurable goals for boosting the blue economy in Rhode Island, that would be more efficient in better facilities.


xchucklesx13 t1_ivcqoyp wrote

The Graduate School of Oceanography (GSO) at the Bay Campus, URI is a world class research institution housed in what is now an outdated facility. This is a needed update to facilities to maintain standing, credibility, and viability within academia, but it also helps develop practical applications and proof of concept of proven technological advances. I will be supporting that bond initiative.

The other bond initiative is a bit more convoluted.


Flashbulb_RI t1_ivcvvyh wrote

If find the ballot funding questions very troublesome. Anyone know why RI puts bond funding/spending to the voters when other states don't? My concern is that MOST citizens aren't qualified to make these huge spending decisions and that it's far too easy for voters to just check a box without understanding the consequences of the debt and if the $$$ are really being well spent.


therealDrA t1_ivd6hc7 wrote

I am from CA where there were routinely more than 10 ballot initiatives every election. This is nothing.


Cash50911 t1_ivdb27l wrote

Are they not usually policy questions vs bonds approvals?


therealDrA t1_ivde0ct wrote

Oh there are always lots of bond issues. And they are literally billions of dollars. It is crazy ...but CA is now the 6th largest economy in the world if it were a country. The investments in infrastructure have been worth it. However, I couldn't afford a home there on a professor's salary so here I am...


SelectStarFromNames t1_ivdpqyn wrote

In RI, state legislature decides on the ballot questions. As far as I know they could have done this without the vote but didn't want to do it without specific approval from voters.


deadl0ckx2 t1_ivf7aey wrote

The only person LESS qualified than a clueless voter to make a bond decision is a politician being lobbied from 8 different directions.


bluehat9 t1_ivgzph0 wrote

It's funny that we do these here but other states don't, but we couldn't do a marijuana ballot initiative while other states can and did


FuriouslyFurious007 t1_ivevl0a wrote

Most people are having a tough time coming up with the money for their electric and food bills, yet they'll vote for millions upon millions in blows my mind. Get the spending under control! Cut costs instead of just throwing money at a problem.


lavendergrowing101 t1_ivfn1rp wrote

funding education and research is exactly where our tax money should go


FuriouslyFurious007 t1_ivfncqt wrote

Piss poor management of our tax dollars for the last 30 years shouldn't be bailed out with a bond referendum.


lavendergrowing101 t1_ivfo19r wrote

So let's give it all to more police, prisons, private developers, etc? OK to throw money at the problem in those cases? Funding for public education is down across the country, which is part of why our country gets less and less competitive on the world stage every year. Redoing these buildings will create good jobs in the trades, then URI itself will create more jobs in these buildings, and the research and training that comes out of the buildings will be invaluable for years. This is how you invest in actually creating a thriving state and country.


lavendergrowing101 t1_ivfo42g wrote

though i agree we should nationalize the electric company and make everyones electric bills cheaper. but cutting funding for public education wont help you with your electric bill


mdurg68 OP t1_ivexvm6 wrote

We’ll yeah. I’m all for having nice things but let’s just take the URI question. That’s $100 from every person in the state. Doesn’t seem like much until you realize that kids and babies and people that don’t work and many others are not chipping in. Then the interest on top of that.

The questions should be how was it allowed to get to such a state of decay and what ways can that be prevented or alleviated in the future.

I’m kind of new to RI but it seems similar to the road and bridge situation. They let them rot until they are backed into a corner and for the past few years they started fixing everything in a hurry. Large sums of money spent quickly lead to waste and shoddy work.


Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_ivf1tto wrote

Yes, they will take money from you and give it to someone else.


mpm4q2 t1_ivdrvmg wrote

All of the bonds are a lot of money. I say no to all of them until we can reset the economy. Maybe cut energy prices instead! Unfortunately Rhode Islanders love to approve wasteful bonds!


therealDrA t1_ivdvogz wrote

I voted no on the playgrounds. That is something easy to get corporate money for. "The Nestle Childrens Park" "The Heinz Ketchup Cranston East Baseball diamond" etc.


Caravannnn t1_ivcv8aa wrote

URI should be paying for their own shit with the ridiculous of money they are taking in from their students. Have you seen out-of-state tuition prices? Sweet Jesus. Why is up to the taxpayer to fund a University that you already have to pay to go for?

I'm totally for updating publicly funded dilapidating schools and Green economy bonds and will gladly vote yes for the other two.


therealDrA t1_ivd6oxr wrote

It is a public university so it depends on tax dollars to supplement tuition.


mpm4q2 t1_ivds3pf wrote

Maybe it should cut wasteful spending at the school!


therealDrA t1_ivdvthy wrote

What is the list of wasteful spending you would start with?


_CaesarAugustus_ t1_iveob7e wrote

They likely don’t know. They’re just in their feelings right now, and not happy that people disagree with them.


deadl0ckx2 t1_ivfps4u wrote

The thousands spent on consultancy to find a new president, the unneeded new engineering building, the entire football team and its millions worth of support services, the campus based ambulance service when the University is already served by South Kingstown ambulances, their “director of re-enrollment”, etc.


March_Latter t1_ivck60i wrote

They put their hand out last time, they got paid. Why not try again?


koidrieyez t1_ivchti2 wrote

Seems like these same money grabs are on the ballot every election and always pass. Guess they're swinging for the fences this time around.
