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Kryptonthenoblegas OP t1_iveuoqr wrote

Yea we do the same thing, 'bubblah'


OldTimeyFapGhost420 t1_ivews9q wrote

Thank god. So it's just that pocket of savages in the great lakes region who say it wrong. They love their R's.


Kryptonthenoblegas OP t1_ivezw5j wrote

Wait so you're telling me they actually pronounce the r?? You're right, maybe they are savages...


OldTimeyFapGhost420 t1_ivf5axh wrote

It's just one tiny pocket in Minnesota if I'm not mistaken. For the record, they absolutely are. We here in Southern coastal New England are unabashed pricks. They're a bunch of smarmy, spineless, passive aggressive cunts. When you hear about how Americans are fat and uneducated, that's one of the epicenters that skews the statistics.