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huh_phd t1_ivgb7y3 wrote

Yeah but are you leaving snot laden tissues and lung butter for them to clean up?


darkrom t1_ivgchsc wrote

Me no I clean after myself and don’t have snot issues. Imo anyone should clean up even if sick. But my point still stands this isn’t for a bartender to decide who is sick and who isn’t.


huh_phd t1_ivgfip5 wrote

But at the same time what about the folks who are actually sick and deem they're not?


darkrom t1_ivh0pzb wrote

I’m not saying I agree with that. But why is that a strangers job to determine if you are sick or not? With what training? With what authority? I agree they should stay home if sick, but I also think that has nothing to do with the bartender logically.


Unable-Bison-272 t1_ivgslfk wrote

Exactly. I’m a barfly and I’ve never seen anyone leave used tissues on the bar. It’s certainly not a widespread issue. OP is just being pissy.


huh_phd t1_ivgwjxc wrote

OP works in the service industry. They enable your cirrotic habit. Be kind to them


Unable-Bison-272 t1_ivgxrr8 wrote

I’m very kind to them. I don’t cough in their faces, I tip well and I’m the quiet guy at the end of the bar that doesn’t cause problems. Get off the cross, we need the wood.