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theanti_girl t1_ivhx2tq wrote

She’s a college professor who works two days a week. She can do what she needs to.

School isn’t daycare. If your kid is sick, sure you may not be able to care for them yourself — you have a backup plan. If you don’t, you think your best bet is to send your sick kid to school to infect all the kids and teachers?

Solid parenting.


Syncope7 t1_ivi38d4 wrote

Hahaha. Your response shows that you have not lived a life with uncertainty or turbulence. I envy that of you. I don't really care for your sister and her situation (Maybe you should talk to her about it, rather than cry on reddit) but others are not as lucky as you. Count your blessings.


theanti_girl t1_ivi3h36 wrote

You have literally NO idea what I’ve done or not done, who I am, what I’ve gone through. Just like I don’t know you.

I didn’t cry about anything, but that’s cute. I mentioned something on topic about the particular thread we’re in. I know, crazy, right? I think any parent who sends their kids to school sick sucks.