Submitted by trtltnk17 t3_z80ww2 in RhodeIsland

Hoping someone might be able to shed some light on DNA sampling request by a landlord.

A little background: there’s nothing about my pet being required to provide a DNA sample in my lease. I’ve been in my lease for several months now.

Recently there have been issues with other owners cleaning up after their pets (ugh!). Am I required to oblige my landlords request? Also they expect me to take time away from my work week to go into the office to complete this 🤦‍♂️.



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FAYCSB t1_iy95a9r wrote

If it’s not my dog’s shit, you must acquit!

You probably don’t have to provide this. But they also don’t have to renew your lease when it’s up.


Accurate-Historian-7 t1_iy9aik3 wrote

If there is not anything in your lease about it then I would say nope and ignore it.


Jack__Squat t1_iy9evin wrote

That's a weird one. My first thought was the landlord chasing the old stereotype about pitbulls; but trying to match up a shit sample!? Probably cheaper to get some cameras.


ProvBroker t1_iy9hp1x wrote

If you didn’t agree to that in writing then it’s not something you are obliged to do.


[deleted] t1_iy9jjm7 wrote

There must be a lot of “issues” for them to ask for a DNA test. Are DNA tests cheap? My landlord would just apologize and ask me to walk around it.


potholesandpizza t1_iy9lt60 wrote

Yeah I thought so too but I googled it and there is a company in Tennessee that landlords can mail dog poop to in order to get it tested. Can’t afford to paint or fix a broken washing machine but they’ll pay to swab your dog’s saliva to have a DNA database.


sc00p401 t1_iy9lv8w wrote

A DNA sample? Seriously? Landlords will do literally ANYTHING to avoid and get rid of tenants with pets.


brick1972 t1_iy9mmhy wrote

Do you know who isn't picking up?

You aren't required to do this but while reddit is going to excoriate landlords per usual sounds like they are trying to solve a problem where assholes that don't pick up poop won't fess up and/or are pointing the finger at you.

Someone is complaining about this (professionally managed it could be the grounds crew etc.) and they have rights too.

I fucking hate entitled dog owners. Pick up the fucking poop you useless people.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_iy9neb3 wrote

I'd maybe focus on the fact that this is a bluff.

Unless your landlord works in a fucking crimelab, he's not going to be able to match random dog shit to a DNA sample on demand. This is just a prelude to the blaming whoever your landlord suspects to be responsible at an opportunity that's convenient.

And if your landlord does work in a crimelab? You can probably get them fired for bringing dog shit into work.


trtltnk17 OP t1_iyasgx9 wrote

Hahaha oh shit I didn’t expect this many comments, I appreciate it!

I will say I have always picked up after my pup, I don’t want to be that person. Mostly I just want to know if I’m actually obligated to adhere to this.

There are new tenants in our building that sick. I’m sure mgmt knows who they are and likely wouldn’t come knocking on my door. At the same token I’m pretty salty about the rent increases with the only response being: “sucks to suck” so if I have the opportunity for a little “civil disobedience” I’m happy to do it 🤷‍♂️.


anxiousinfotech t1_iyb6llz wrote

Are you sure there's nothing in the lease about it? My complex has always stated that they have a DNA testing program, and there are lines in the lease about dog owners being required to comply, but to my knowledge they're only just now requiring DNA samples (which they're paying to process) to be on file.


karnim t1_iycw0fu wrote

I mean, the pet is apparently shitting all over the place and the owner not cleaning it up. That is a valid reason to get rid of a tenant.

The methodology, on the other hand... Installing a security camera to review footage is probably cheaper.