Submitted by glossyplane245 t3_z7jzv2 in RhodeIsland

I'm scared because I go to CCRI for the free 2 years and it is REALLY REALLY not going well and I'm terrified of what I'm gonna do if I fail and have to pay like 2.7k back to the school for wasting their time



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harris023 t1_iy74zc8 wrote

You should talk to your counselor / school support.


Humble-Inflation1266 t1_iy7bsii wrote

If u have below a 2.7 gpa i think you’re not qualified for promise


Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_iy7m4pf wrote

I wouldn’t worry, because the State will get all that money back from you in your lifetime in the form of taxes. Remember nothing here is free, we all pay a price.


User0098237490 t1_iy7vax4 wrote

You have to have keep a GPA above 2.5 to keep the free tuition, or above a 2.0 if you have a Pell grant.

Graduated from there last year & attending URI now.


wormholeweapons t1_iy7wfec wrote

I love how someone who is clearly a you adult/kid comes here posting about how scared they are going to college and feeling like a failure. Seeking some advice.

And your brain says “yeah. Now is the time to bash the state and make it about my personal politically based views.”

Given that you don’t want to offer any advice to this young person I think that shows exactly what kind of person you are.


wormholeweapons t1_iy7wnyd wrote

Relax. Take a deep breath. Most of us have had a bad semester. Colleges want you to succeed. Star with making an appointment with a counselor at CC. Then talk to each professor and ask what you can do to make up ground. The GPA requirements for it I think are by year, not by semester but I could be wrong.

Even if you don’t qualify for this program. You may for other aid that will cut the cost down for you.


ghostpepperlover t1_iy81e9y wrote

I don’t know about the program, but I do have some solid college advise. Go to every class. If you show perseverance to you professors, they generally have more forgiveness. I had to work a full time job during college, partied my ass off and couldn’t study for shit. But, I showed up, tired and hung over ALOT. Just stick with it and get to know the professors. Ask them questions and show genuine interest. You’ll be fine.


MikeMac999 t1_iy82jxe wrote

I’m genuinely curious about your thought process here. Was it something like, “Oh, here’s a young person trying to better themselves and going through a bit of anxiety. Now seems a good time to insert a point that has nothing to do with their problem but will probably make them feel just a little bit worse.”


Opticalpopsicle1074 t1_iy8c5zf wrote

So, in all the info it gives it does state in writing that you will have to keep up that certain GPA in order for it to be free, or you have to pay them back….but my kid flunked almost every class there for two semesters and then quit and we have yet to receive a bill and it’s been two years. I have the money squirreled away so I can just pay it if a bill actually comes but so far like I said….. no bill, no invoice…. Nothing. In 2 years. I’m not complaining. I don’t dare call them to ask what’s up lest they then bill me. You can’t get anyone on the phone there anyway, it’s like no one is minding the store. This is just our experience.


saucyB52 t1_iy9xzmj wrote

heres a hott tip

save up a couple grand and then go on a backbacking trip somewhere in a foreign country/part of tha world

IMHO you wont learn anything worthwhile from ccri

sounds like you arnt learnin anything by attending ccri anyways

just sayin


55galBucketHunter t1_iyalusu wrote

You really are unlikely to fail if you give an honest effort. Especially your first year of college this is entry level material if you graduated high school you are not going to fail college courses at this level if you take advantage of the resources the college provides