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xchucklesx13 t1_ivlwpud wrote

They probably do not represent your district, therefore, you don’t get to vote who represents someone else.


KDOGGG196 OP t1_ivlx4f3 wrote

Yea my parents just told me they weren’t part of our district. I thought they were part of all the districts haha.


StonksGuy3000 t1_ivm9vq9 wrote

Not how the House of Reps works


HeadyBeersBrah t1_ivot2bg wrote

This guy doesn't know how any of it works and wants to go on about how voting doesn't matter, and elections are rigged. Trump is a cancer to society.


KDOGGG196 OP t1_ivmag57 wrote

Yea stupid me didn’t realize that lol.