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degggendorf t1_ivofwbp wrote

So don't let them. Keep learning, keep paying attention, keep voting.


KDOGGG196 OP t1_ivog9yl wrote

I do still go vote. But it feels like my vote don’t matter. It’s been like that for a while now. It just feels like a waste of time to vote.


degggendorf t1_ivognsy wrote we're back to where we started. That's what they want you to feel, like your vote doesn't matter and it's pointless to pay attention.


KDOGGG196 OP t1_ivogwtn wrote

Yea but how am I suppose to know if it actually does or not with all the bullshit going on? I still vote for who I think is the right person. With all the BS going on in the media and stuff how do you know what to believe?


degggendorf t1_ivoh3b2 wrote

What bs are you talking about?


KDOGGG196 OP t1_ivohtc4 wrote

With all the lying and the media not telling the truth and all that jazz. How are we suppose to trust the medi when they’re against us too?


degggendorf t1_ivoi5rl wrote

What does the media have to do with your vote counting? They don't conduct elections.


KDOGGG196 OP t1_ivok9s4 wrote

Sorry I went off track lol. How do we know the votes are counted correctly and the right way? I don’t know if you’ve seen what was going on in Arizona and other states but how do we know that’s not happening everywhere?


degggendorf t1_ivolg9a wrote

Because we have people whose job it is to ensure they're counted correctly.

It seems patently unbelievable that all election officials everywhere would be colluding, not to mention that conspiracy would also require all the town and city councils to be 100% corrupt as well, in addition to all the courts that have ruled on all the fallacious claims of election fraud.

Even if you thought that 100% of all democrats everywhere were evil, it's still Trump-appointed justices affirming there's no meaningful voter fraud. Unless you think those Trump-appointed justices are all double agents too...?

> what was going on in Arizona

A hardware issue affecting the minority of machines, that was caught, fixed, and resulted in no change to anyone's vote? That is clearly not happening everywhere, and even if it was, it wouldn't affect the outcome.

It really seems like you might be succumbing in far-right conspiracy theories here...


KDOGGG196 OP t1_ivon90a wrote

I think all politicians are corrupt and don’t trust a single one weather they’re republican or democrat. It’s all about power and control. Not one of them will be any good for us no matter who you vote for.

I think both parties are evil. Both parties don’t give a hoot about us and don’t care for us. They want to see us fail and don’t want to do anything for us. They want to turn us against each other.

No there’s videos going around where people are telling people who to vote for or something I forget. Also there’s videos where there just so happen to be votes(mail in ballots) that just so happen to show up late at night.

I haven’t believed my vote actually meant something for the longest time.


HeadyBeersBrah t1_ivonlmv wrote

Your vote does matter, it always does.

Don't get it twisted with the both sides argument. One side literally wants to end Democracy as we know it in America.

Edit: Looking at your comment history, you're definitely not a "both sides" guy.

>There’s no hope in sight for us. Rhode Island will always be corrupt and democrat.


KDOGGG196 OP t1_ivoqfpt wrote

Oh no I not lmao. I’m an independent voter but I lean more right lol. There isn’t any hope, like I’ve said in one of my previous comments. I’ve been here for 29 years and it’s always been corrupted and democrat. It use to be a wonderful state to live in. I loved that it was small and easy to get everywhere now I can’t wait to find somewhere else to live.


degggendorf t1_ivoo7uy wrote

> No there’s videos going around where people are telling people who to vote for or something I forget.

Wait lol, you're putting your faith in a massive conspiracy theory based on a video or something I forget? How is that stronger evidence than the bipartisan consensus of thousands of election and legal experts?

> Also there’s videos where there just so happen to be votes(mail in ballots) that just so happen to show up late at night.

That' it works, codified in state law. In-person votes are tabulated, then the mail-in votes are reported after polls close.

> They want to turn us against each other.

Don't you see the irony there? You think they're all evil and want us to give up, so in response you' up?


KDOGGG196 OP t1_ivoqttx wrote

I’ve been given up. There’s no hope. This state is ruined by democrats and corrupt as hell. Always has been always will be.

How can you throw away video evidence? Lol if there’s videos and pictures of it that’s evidence right there.

To think your vote actually counts is crazy. It doesn’t. They’re going to put in whenever they want no matter what. It’s all corrupted and bull.


degggendorf t1_ivot1az wrote

> This state is ruined by democrats and corrupt as hell. Always has been always will be.

Bold words for someone who didn't even know how the house of representatives worked until yesterday.

Maybe step off your high horse and just try to learn a bit more before burning the whole thing down?

> How can you throw away video evidence? Lol if there’s videos and pictures of it that’s evidence right there.

What video evidence? You yourself said you forgot what it was, let alone actually validating it.


KDOGGG196 OP t1_ivotyx6 wrote

How is bold when it’s the truth? It’s been corrupt for so long there’s no hope for this state. Learn how this state just keeps getting more and more corrupt? Alright I will.

I forgot what it said I didn’t forget what it was. It’s all over social media. And I’m sure a quick duck duck go search will find some too.


degggendorf t1_ivou7mf wrote

> How is bold when it’s the truth?

Oh it's the truth? You sure are gullible, huh?


HeadyBeersBrah t1_ivpgrdh wrote

This guy isn't working with a full deck, or is learning impaired or something. They are willfully ignorant to how government works, and is clearly consuming far right conspiracy theories and accepting them as fact. All the while telling people their votes don't matter, elections are rigged, and Democrats are responsible. Scary stuff. But you know what? They still went out and voted, so if there was ever a reason to vote it's that people like OP get out and cast their ballot even when they have no idea what for for, or why. Dems bad is all they know.


KDOGGG196 OP t1_ivovgxg wrote

Not at all. I’ve lived here long enough to know how fucked this state is and has been.


degggendorf t1_ivow3u1 wrote

Imagine the arrogance to boldly claim to know absolute truth about our political system, while having just learned how voting works.


KDOGGG196 OP t1_ivoxqiz wrote

See it right infront of my very own eyes 🤷🏽‍♂️


degggendorf t1_ivoy1zu wrote

You've personally seen every aspect of every person involved in any level of the state with your very own eyes?

I'm going to go ahead and call bs on that.


HeadyBeersBrah t1_ivonde1 wrote

Sounds like you've bought in to the elections are rigged nonsense narrative.

That area in AZ that you are talking about, is overseen by Republicans.


KDOGGG196 OP t1_ivoq4vb wrote

I’ve thought the elections were rigged long before this narrative came out. I never thought my vote meant a damn thing and know they’re going to put in whoever they want no matter what.


HeadyBeersBrah t1_ivoqpio wrote

If by they you mean Republicans, that is certainly a goal they have been actively working towards since losing in 2020.


KDOGGG196 OP t1_ivor04r wrote

Haha no. By they I mean the elites. Both parties are going to put in whoever they want. Thanks for ruining this state. Enjoy the toll you’re going to have to pay now.


HeadyBeersBrah t1_ivorpxb wrote

Okay homie have a good one.

Keep voting, it's important.


KDOGGG196 OP t1_ivos97w wrote

Lmao if you think so.


HeadyBeersBrah t1_ivosng4 wrote

You barely have a grasp on how any of it even works, but yeah please do go on big brain.


KDOGGG196 OP t1_ivot4pf wrote

I will thanks. I’ll go use my big brain Intelligence somewhere else. Somewhere less corrupted.
