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KDOGGG196 OP t1_ivor04r wrote

Haha no. By they I mean the elites. Both parties are going to put in whoever they want. Thanks for ruining this state. Enjoy the toll you’re going to have to pay now.


HeadyBeersBrah t1_ivorpxb wrote

Okay homie have a good one.

Keep voting, it's important.


KDOGGG196 OP t1_ivos97w wrote

Lmao if you think so.


HeadyBeersBrah t1_ivosng4 wrote

You barely have a grasp on how any of it even works, but yeah please do go on big brain.


KDOGGG196 OP t1_ivot4pf wrote

I will thanks. I’ll go use my big brain Intelligence somewhere else. Somewhere less corrupted.
