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dman_usa t1_ivmukuk wrote

look what happened to Fung. Disgusting that he “lost”


BobJacobs2022 t1_ivmunji wrote

Democratic state man......never gonna change.


mhhkb t1_ivmuoyn wrote

Tell me your worldview is just the Facebook feed.


LightsInTheSky20 t1_ivmv0bs wrote

It's stale in here. Majority prefer the staleness, no surprise when the alternatives either don't exist, or are horrible.


moreobviousthings t1_ivmv20y wrote

Democrats will disappoint us sometimes, but a republican will try to fuck everyone every time.


RoboDSGNR t1_ivmw2kd wrote

awwww..... did someone lose an election and is now a big whiner snowflake...poor fash


dman_usa t1_ivmw3gz wrote

fuck Seth. Useless prick that doesn’t represent jack shit. Way to go you have another life long dem going to congress to bring what type of change? nothing


BobJacobs2022 t1_ivmwaco wrote

I'm more upset about my district's voting. The same people who did nothing for 2yrs, and I mean nothing and I know cause 1 is my neighbor, won again. Not sure if people are just fine with that, but it'd be nice to have people actually do stuff.


Blubomberikam t1_ivmweoy wrote

Who's "ya'll"? Kalus and Fung offered nothing outside of the mainstream GOP bullshit that the state has firmly rejected for years. I can't control people not voting in primaries.

I will take staleness over trying to claim fraud any time my preferred candidate loses. It is embarrassing to yell "You cheated" every time something doesn't go your way.


dman_usa t1_ivmx1cu wrote

thank you for the response that summarizes why RI will always be dead last in the country. You don’t even know why you votes for Seth. I do because he had a D next to his name. Look at our state, awful always dead last or in the bottom 10 in every single ranking done. But yet lets hope this time change comes LOL. Keep voting blue so they can steal more money from your paycheck, more in gas, more in food, and stomp on your freedoms.


Blubomberikam t1_ivmxcvm wrote

What are you even fucking talking about? Is your position Fung was cheated and rightfully won, or are you just mad people didn't vote for him?

I see you are trying to pivot to me being uninformed instead of defending your claim of mail in ballots being fraud. I wont be playing that game.


jaredde t1_ivmxt71 wrote

This state is a joke let’s all keep paying for the people who don’t want to work and they will keep feeding the votes to the blue wave !! Wake up rhody!


NitronicFury t1_ivmxvo5 wrote

9th in Healthcare, 7th in Crime/Corrections (USNWR)

14th in American HDI (Measure of America)

15th in education (Bachelor’s or higher, USCB)

8th in least violent crime (FBI)

These are just from a few minutes of research…we are very lucky to live in such a great State. If you disagree you’re happy to go live in a failing crime-ridden red stare Republican paradise that disenfranchises minority rights and where everyone is on welfare from OUR tax dollars


HauntingAd4349 OP t1_ivmytlz wrote

Education #39 Infrastructure #49 Economy #28 Opportunity #32 Fiscal stability #44

Let’s talk about things that actually matter…yes healthcare being #9 is great and sure not having a high crime rate is great don’t get me wrong but my few minutes just proved your comments to be useless


NitronicFury t1_ivmz14v wrote

What has Allan Fung done besides accept massive amounts of money from Republican Super PACs, oil and pharma companies, promise to vote for election-denying Trump-sucker-upper Kevin McCarthy to dash SS and Medicare, flip flop on guns and abortion to win office (has never worked), turn the Cranston PD into a mafia, and lose 3 elections after a mediocre stunt as mayor? What is HE gonna do for you?

It’s pointless to break through to you because you’re already denying a democratic election that you’ve fallen victim to the MAGAt Facebook echo chambers


NitronicFury t1_ivmzsfx wrote

Yeah let’s talk about infrastructure, Fung woulda been a vote to kill the BIP hypocrite

Also the “party of fiscal responsibility” fucked over the middle and lower class with tax cuts for billionaires that have repeatedly done NOTHING for regular people, and their temporary benefits are expiring and you blame the Democrats

“Economy” “opportunity” not only are these not terrible rankings for the smallest state and bottom 10 in population, PEOPLE are meant to live here, not corporations. We are not data points for rich people to manipulate to make money off of us. Regardless Fung is not your guy for that, at least Magaziner has extensive financial experience