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winter-14 OP t1_ivqmcju wrote

"retention walls", "planted slopes" == "landscaping", as far the world is concerned.

Travel a little outside of RI, and you'll see how totally unnecessary this graft is.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_ivqxlzn wrote

It’s that way because they needed to widen 95 fifty years after it was built and couldn’t just take more land away.

They didn’t pick the best long term design and now it’s falling apart. They’re fixing that doesn’t because humans and engineers are a lot better at this shit now than even a few decades ago.

You’re making it sound like it’s purely cosmetic and that’s just blatantly false.


degggendorf t1_ivqzpbl wrote

> "retention walls", "planted slopes" == "landscaping"

They're just going to throw down a grass and wildflower seed mix, with a few trees here and there. Just like every other stretch of highway. There is nothing better nor cheaper. Grass retains the soil, trees retain the slope.

> The walls will be replaced with slopes planted with grass and wildflowers to make it more environmentally friendly and to retain the soil. Some trees will be replaced.

What do you suggest as a better or cheaper alternative?