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huh_phd t1_iy3raw3 wrote

Depends where you live. I have amica. It costs more but if/when you need them they don't give you a hard time about anything. I've also had progressive and farmers. Both were fine.


TwinFinTriggerFish t1_iy4ad8a wrote

I've had progressive since moving here 20 or so years ago. I've never had a problem with them


geffe71 t1_iy3ybau wrote

Amica has treated me very well


CleanWhiteSocks t1_iy4abic wrote

Amica. I don't find it more expensive either.


Snorrissie t1_iy4ukdh wrote

Hey I’m a local agent in RI, I represent a few different companies. If you’d like I can send you over my info and I can quote you out through the companies we represent:)


longislandtoolshed t1_iy3ujpz wrote

I've had good luck with Geico in terms of price/coverage, but I haven't had to make any claims yet. I have heard they can be difficult to deal with, but that may be anecdotal.


monkysandtools t1_iy5tdd4 wrote

Currently dealing with the claims process (receiving end of a fender bender over the weekend). The initial repair quote is a bit low so a supplemental request has been filed, waiting for the adjuster to come out


55galBucketHunter t1_iy4f6n2 wrote

Jennifer Nappi provides Allstate insurance out of warren but you can get it anywhere. She sent out a mailer and I was skeptical but ended up saving several hundred dollars compared to my previous insurer


buddhamanjpb t1_iy4szhz wrote

I'm 42 years old and I've been with Geico since I was 18. Every couple of years I try to price shop and no one come close to price. I've had to make a few claims over the years, and have been in accidents where it is not my fault, and they've have been wonderful every time.


ShiningSquirrel t1_iy4xvo3 wrote

I have been with Liberty Mutual for about a decade. Never any issues with any claims. Geico? Stay clear. Not only are they high, but the biggest issue is they have a tendency to deny claims made against your policy so if you're at fault, you may still get stuck paying for all or part of the claim out of your own pocket. I had Progressive, but the rates were far too high. When I switched, I am getting 2 vehicles and homeowners for less than they were charging me for a single car. Allstate, it all depends on who you go thru, some of the agents are shady as heck and I personally would never deal with them again.


zjanderson t1_iy56f2v wrote

Throwing in another recommendation for Amica.


DogByte_2021 t1_iy5b9jz wrote

Used to have Metropolitan and they were great. About a year ago, Farmers bought them out. My car got struck in the Dave's parking lot and I filed a claim. It has been the worst insurance related experience of my life. No matter how you contact them, you get an automated response. Additionally, they tried to get me to pursue the other insurance company instead of working for me. Would not help me collect my rental cost even though I had rental coverage on my policy. All in all, a terrible experience. My policy expires next month and we are looking for a new company. Farmers sucks.