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_hanShan_ t1_iw726rd wrote

If you like haunted shit, check out white horse tavern in Newport. It’s supposed to be one of the oldest most haunted places in America


RealKing17 OP t1_iw75j1p wrote

Definitely will thank you! I'm a firm paranormal believer and I love watching ghost adventures lol 😂


LuLu31 t1_iw9taj0 wrote

There’s also a pirate’s grave in the Trinity Church Cemetery in Newport.


waqfhdhaalhara t1_iw7nxmh wrote

Never heard anything about the ghosts there, but white horse tavern is the oldest operating tavern in the US. It was founded in 1673.


Msilvia23 t1_iw800hk wrote

My brother was the executive chef at white horse for over 9 years. He definitely had some spooky/paranormal experiences in the early mornings or late nights!


Peace-love-recycle t1_iw67jxz wrote

That’s awesome you loved our little state. What else did you do?


RealKing17 OP t1_iw67o2l wrote

I went to a open house for a college and just drove around trying to see what the states about. Ate some resturaunts I've never been too. lol


PedroMeatball t1_iw7z7od wrote

The best part is if you drive 15 minutes in any direction, you'll find another world. We've got all the ecosystems and social environments within our borders.


XenoFFS t1_iw6lxq8 wrote

I grew up in Exeter! Glad you liked it. :D


Stoicdadman t1_iw6qsxq wrote

Lots of rich history here. Well like our little slice of the country. Glad you did as well.


heresmygascan t1_iw7k46d wrote

If you have time & are around providence, try a ghost tour !! they’re pretty cheap & lots of fun plus super informative about the city.


ganjagriff t1_iw75jvk wrote

Since you’re a history/paranormal person, there are ghost tours in Newport that run very frequently and they’re super cool. They give some good history about the locations as well as the paranormal history.


[deleted] t1_iw7608m wrote



RealKing17 OP t1_iw768el wrote

I'm not from here however,I lived in Massachusetts for about 6 months when I was young. So I'm faulty used to it cause to me the rhode island accent sounds very familiar to a Boston/southern Massachusetts accent. My family is from mass but they've lived out of state so long for so many generations we have no accent.


Sox_in_the_box t1_iw7fcny wrote

We sound like southern Mass? Weird.


I_Like_Knitting_TBH t1_iw7gnxn wrote

I grew up in Attleboro (just over the Pawtucket line), which I would consider southern MA and I think there’s a lot of overlap in accents.


FynnCobb t1_iw78szz wrote

I like to say it’s the disfigured love child of the Boston accent and NY accent. We moved when my kids were young, and my daughter teases me all the time about it.


ravenscroft12 t1_iw7fvr3 wrote

According to this guy -> RI accents are like MA accents but with different vowel placements, but I have a hard time hearing the difference


Hoosier42 t1_iw8ix5k wrote

I've lived here for about 6 months now. My neighbor literally sounds like Peter Griffin.


AptSeagull t1_iw7bxnm wrote

The house from Conjuring might be open to tours.


RealKing17 OP t1_iw8tl2y wrote

Unfortunately they were closed for the weekend! :(


knight8654 t1_iw79pij wrote

If you don’t mind me asking where are you from? I live in Massachusetts now but near the RI line. Grew up in the East BSA, if you go to Bristol there is spot of cool shops and pubs/restaurants. There maybe a ghost tour there but not sure anymore


leonpinneaple t1_iw80xp7 wrote

Give it some time and you will get to know our lovely drivers 😂


RealKing17 OP t1_iw849mh wrote

Oh I went to eat yesterday afternoon and everyone was honking and yelling also apparently no one uses turn signals? lol


leonpinneaple t1_iw8lx4b wrote

Yep. “Blinkers” are optional :)


pspetrini t1_iw8nat0 wrote

Blinkers are sign of arrogance.

Oh, you think you're going to get into MY LANE? I don't fawkin' think so buddy!

Seriously, though, I feel like the default use of turn signals in this state is "I know I'm required to use mine but I am going to wait to turn mine on because someone in the lane I'm trying to get in might try to stop me from turning if they know my intentions." lol


RealKing17 OP t1_iw8terh wrote

I will defy and still use them everytime I'm around 🫠


chickenofeathers t1_iw84ydw wrote

If you like spooky things and podcasts and Rhode Island, listen to the Weird Island podcast


chickenofeathers t1_iw857jm wrote

Sara is great, does extensive historical research, and gives lots of great tips on fun places to visit and things to do.


RealKing17 OP t1_iw8tgk9 wrote

I will definitely check it out thank you! :)


StinkyDingus63 t1_iw8sj6h wrote

Glad you enjoyed it. We do have a really beautiful state and great Italian restaurants. We have a lot of small businesses with good food and coffee.

I visited the mercy brown grave with my wife recently and it was really sad, the story behind her is wild.

In RI you can see the country, you can see the city life or even take a trip back to little Italian neighborhoods with great pastries and what not. I love it here, it is quite expensive to live here, but the scenery and the things to do make up for it lol.

Check out the Lizzie Borden house too if you’re into paranormal. They take you upstairs where there is said to be a lot of paranormal activity like kids running around at night and doors opening on their own.


RealKing17 OP t1_iw8v14k wrote

I was planning on visiting lizze borden house and booking the room where it wall went down. Yea I agree the cemetery where Mercy is.. is peaceful but very emotional around her grave for me and my gf. It hit hard even more when I was reading the story standing right in front of her whole family's plot. I hope she is resting in peace now and she will forever be remembered even if not necessarily for the right reasons. Do you have to go to Providence to get into Italian neighborhoods or are there like towns historically italian? I'm Italian myself actually!


Havenshine t1_iwa1ftx wrote

awesome place to go. so many places


stalequeef69 t1_iw8spal wrote

Go to central falls and tell me everyone's still friendly 🤣 come visit Tiverton or Middletown. I split my time between them about 50/50 and they are 2 marvelous little towns


RealKing17 OP t1_iw8tpp3 wrote

I was around the coventry/warwick area and went down to exeter but I wanna check our everything at some point lol


frombeyondthegravez t1_iw8yph6 wrote

>everyone was friendly

You didn’t drive, did you?


RealKing17 OP t1_iw8zv4n wrote

I drove for over 9 hours lol luckily no problems with anyone 🤷


Clamdiving t1_iw9kll1 wrote

9 hours? So you saw the entire state 4 times.


RealKing17 OP t1_iw9kyye wrote

I'm counting driving from my state to RI but I did it twice here and back. I also included the time I drove around just exploring but the first day i arrived I was tired so just stayed at the hotel. I only explored the next day and it was coventry,warwick and down to exeter. My bad if it sounded dumb I just meant I was driving overall alot.


Clamdiving t1_iw9mfpg wrote

Did not sound dumb at all. I like driving around our state for hours. We have beauty not many places have. You need to see Fort Weatherall. Plenty of paranormal stuff there but the overall beauty of the ocean and the hiking. It's amazing.


RealKing17 OP t1_iw9q7l4 wrote

I love hiking and my gf has never been on the ocean so when I come back we will have endless adventures!


MavDrake t1_iw6viag wrote

Nice, but stay a little longer and that may change.


PedroMeatball t1_iw7yvma wrote

Our state is a gift. There are flaws, but only the chronically miserable can't see the awesome things RI has to offer. Everything from great beaches to autumn foliage, winter sledding, flower gardens and coastal walks in the spring. All less than an hour from any point in our borders.

If you need help finding something awesome, PM me.


Snorrissie t1_iw7zs7c wrote

Also we have amazing food from a large variety of different cultures !


PedroMeatball t1_iw8d6xy wrote

You ain't kidding! And the best part is we've avoided the trappings of big-city foodie BS. So many blue-collar food joints from all walks of life.