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xanderg102301 t1_iwo3mm5 wrote

I really think his cult voter base is strong enough to win him the primary


Proof-Variation7005 t1_iwo48ge wrote

Maybe? That’s handing the presidency and congress to democrats


xanderg102301 t1_iwo5hpt wrote

Yeah, that's an optimistic way too look at it


Proof-Variation7005 t1_iwo6feq wrote

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to see him, hear him, or have to remember he exists.

It’s annoying but he’s such a toxic asset that I think the only reason to call him a threat to win is shellshock from before.


Blubomberikam t1_iwrait9 wrote

not anymore. Go to r/conservative. Theyre abandoning him in droves. The best case scenario is for him to win/run/lose or lose primary, but run as an independant and take Desantis out of the running with a split ticket.


SuccessfulBench4879 t1_iwrcpo0 wrote

>lt voter base is strong enough to win him the primary

Remember your on Reddit which naturally leans left. Head over to truth social to see what his followers have to say if your actually interested in it. /r/conservative is not trump's base. You'll need to go on gab, truth social, and the chans to see he is still very popular.


Blubomberikam t1_iwrdcw7 wrote

Truth has like 15 total users. Even if every single one of them said something its not indicative of anything at all.

edit: Fox cut away from trumps announcement to show something biden was saying. It is not the same thing as 2016.


mkmck t1_iwvtul8 wrote

He has lost Rupert Murdoch. Without the Fox media machine behind him, he has no chance. The dweebs that spend all day watching that channel will go whatever direction they are told by those idiots.