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Cinema_King t1_iwopwgx wrote

So you’re still pretending that higher prices are Biden’s fault?

That’s a good brainwashed doggy


HiHo-Silver t1_iwoq5ug wrote

If you unleash the power of the United States is it energy production we would be fine he’s talking about shutting down Cole plants 28% of our grid with nothing to replace it solar and wind are not ready to take the entire grid over. So meanwhile he cuts energy down Here and goes around the world begging others to increase production we have plenty of production capacity he is stifling it you don’t have to believe me because you’re brainwashed to. This isn’t all Putin‘s fault. He spent 5 trillion in two years that’s inflation. I’m not saying Trump is better I don’t think he should run they both need to go away they’re both way too fucking old. Even the Democrats don’t want to run Biden to whoever they run? Biden won’t live through a second term. And Trump is too old to. DeSantis is who you have to watch out for.


baron_muchhumpin t1_iwpbusk wrote

Meanwhile the US is still a net EXPORTER of petroleum products.


Spooky2000 t1_iwpw1wc wrote

And yet somehow we have a shortage of petroleum products here... Why do you think your heating oil is $6.50 a gallon?...


baron_muchhumpin t1_iwpwq5x wrote


Seriously, shut off Faux


RunningToZion t1_iwuzgt5 wrote

These people are too blinded by their ignorance and hate. Even the simplest minded could see inflation and gas prices are up all over the world. Oil companies are posting record profits, etc. These people are just complete idiots. Like their orange god said, he loves the poorly educated.


Allopathological t1_iwqhrj5 wrote

oil companies are using the global geopolitical climate to gouge prices. Oil and gas companies are posting record profits. It’s not an issue of lack of oil supply, it’s an issue of artificially reduced supply to jack up prices. OPEC nations literally burn a portion of the oil they dig up 24/7 365 to prevent extra oil from reaching the market and reducing prices.

I’ll remind you, Biden does not set or control gas prices.


mkmck t1_iwvrsb0 wrote

Any idiot knows that petroleum prices are set by the global market, not a US president.

Well, almost any idiot...


HiHo-Silver t1_iy9yvfx wrote

Just wait till their shortage is here in New England or when you get your next bill. This is the 70s on steroids. They are predicting rolling blackouts here in the middle of the winter in Rhode Island. And you guys think hey this is great. Nobody’s doing anything to help the taxpayer. People are scrambling to figure out how they’re going to pay to heat their homes. Joe Biden is a bumbling dementia riddle idiot. Trump is a douche bag none of these people care about you. They only want your tax money. Everyone I know is struggling Under this moron potus. Energy is the lifeblood of America if you wage war against it for green energy than your waging war against the economy of the United States. I have solar panels I am all for alternative energy but it can never replace 100% of the grid of the United States. Read up on what Germany tried it failed they are scrambling opening up coal plants and scrambling to figure out how to heat their homes in the middle of the winter because Russia is cut off their gas. Germany tried going all green it literally failed. The tech isn’t quite there yet.