Submitted by Grouchy-Grape- t3_yy180v in RhodeIsland

In October I alerted my landlord about the presence of mold in my apartment closet. Told them it was making me sick and congested.

They came in and literally just looked at the wall and said it wasn’t mold. They did no testing, didn’t contact anyone in regards to the mold, havent reached back out to me or anything just straight up lied to me and said my wall was dirty and scratches.

My lease ends December 13th. They continued to still make us pay the full November rent. I don’t want to have to still pay rent for October when they know it’s mold and knew they were lying to us.

I went to Lowe’s and bought a mold testing kit myself for $10. I took a sample off my ceiling. The mold test came back positive with a bunch of mold growing in it. There are bugs on the ceiling where the mold it’s growing too.

Is there anyway I can take this to my landlord and show them the positive test to get out of my remaining lease early? I am going to mention to them a gain either way that the test came back positive.

Do I need to get an attorney involved?? Should I threaten them with an attorney and going to the doctors or should I just pay the December rent and let it go?

Please help.



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Accurate-Historian-7 t1_iws5umn wrote

Here’s what you need to do it’s free and easy. Contact the health department, explain the situation and they will help.
You can also tell your landlord “if you don’t address this I will be contacting the health department and building inspector.” You would be amazed at the type of power those companies have over landlords. We had an issue with something and I spent 30 mins reading online. Quickly learned that anything health and safety related is a major issue. They legally have to resolve it. We told our landlord “this is a health and safety issue, resolve it or we will report it.” Hours later the problem was solved.


RobotUnicorn046 t1_iws6get wrote

This! In addition put your rent payments in an escrow account showing you have intent to pay and the money set aside for it until the situation is resolved. I’m no lawyer so double check that is a suitable solution


canibringmydog t1_iwrr5zk wrote

A helpful site.

If you make under a certain salary, they may have free legal help. If you make too much, they still can refer you for a free 30 minute consultation with an attorney.

From what I’ve gathered out here, landlords have a very “if you don’t like it, leave” mentality. Although they SHOULD address these issues, unless someone makes a stink, they’re not doing anything about it.


Double_Farmer_2662 t1_iwszj2t wrote

I would just go straight to the health department or building inspector for your city. Also not paying rent is risky because it’s grounds for eviction. Our ceiling collapsed due to landlord neglect, our apartment was condemned for 2 weeks, and we still paid rent. But then the following month deducted the two weeks it’s was condemned.

Also I’ve been trying to get in touch with a lawyer for MONTHS about this and no one will return my phone calls or emails. So avoid the lawyer if possible. Just go straight to the top


jet_octopus t1_iwt0v44 wrote

Can you not clean your own closet with some bleach?


mkmck t1_iwvq6hc wrote

Remediation of mold, especially black mold, is something that needs to be done by a professional, it's not a job for just anyone with bucket of bleach. Also, the cause of the mold needs to be addressed.


overthehillhat t1_iwu8ugk wrote

Safe to assume you won't be renewing -

So go after them for the next tenant


saucyB52 t1_iwt8nax wrote

if i were you id buy a tent and move into the woods behind wallmart
