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rustybullrake t1_ixdohc5 wrote

>“When I get back, I’m going to tell them, ‘What do you need?’” Ricci said. “I’m going to go to Lowe’s and pay for what they need because they are such nice kids.”

I love Rhode Island.

Journalists working to hold our governing officials accountable allows me to find this level of small time casual corruption endearingly folksy.


Potential_Fan180 t1_ixdx0uk wrote

Do you seriously think this is the first time this has happened ? Why didn't the mayor question the town employees on using town equipment when he showed up that day. If anyone knows North Providence, nothing gets done without Charlie's approval


ruubduubins t1_ixdz16v wrote

I think the worst part is that the property owners wanted to sell to the town. The town decided no and then the mayor bought it on his own.

I'm suuuuuure he paid a fair market value for it of course. With no quid pro quo


GrapeRello t1_ixdo4vz wrote

BS the mayor didn’t know they were using town equipment.


Sparkleshart t1_ixefa7j wrote

Nobody cares, nothing will happen. Charlie will remain in office until he dies, and then Dino Autiello and his collection of skinny pants will move in. And so it goes.


theebomba t1_ixe4j04 wrote

Official statement from the Mayors Office regarding Mowgate: ”Y’know… Tony [Ricci, NP DPW] is a good guy an all, but uh… [audible sigh and slouch] He’s gonna get suspended cause’ of this, I just wantchu’ ta’ know”


Hanamii- t1_ixf87ou wrote

Scandal rocks Rhode Island residents!


Vertchewal t1_ixffw5n wrote

It’s funny, the corruption is so rampant in this state but they choose this to report on.


mkmck t1_ixh6g1w wrote

Yeah right, because they never report on real corruption...


Hot_Introduction_270 t1_ixfqsof wrote

The Rhode Island, keep doing it until you caught than put it on a fall guy


mpm4q2 t1_ixg2jtf wrote

And yet the same people keep getting re-elected because of the letter next to their name. Every time something like this people get up in arms. Then they seem to forget come elections. Good Old Rhody


geeps2020 t1_ixjmfjc wrote

yup, voters are dumb. They enjoy voting for corrupt politicians that are only good at tax and spend. RI consistently ranked near the bottom for retirement, taxes, ect.


bungocheese t1_ixdr08n wrote

eh the guys weren't on the clock when they did it. Yeah they used town equipment, but I couldn't care less. The little bit of time they used it isn't like it wore any of the stuff down to make it more than a couple cents.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_ixdudmc wrote

Ya but.

Treating the state’s/company’s equipment like your own personal property is a slippery slope so it’s usually not allowed at all.

I don’t take my company’s laminator home. Same thing.


TzarKazm t1_ixe5l00 wrote

Have you ever made personal photocopies on a work copier? It's fairly common to have one at home now, but it wasn't. I'll bet a lot of people my age have. I even borrowed a hand truck from work once when I was moving. I got permission, but I'm not sure the warehouse guy who gave me permission really had the ability to speak for the company.

It's not the right thing to do. But I agree with the other guy that it's not quite the crime of the century material. Tell them not to do that anymore and move on.


GrapeRello t1_ixfjng7 wrote

Someone driving a town truck and using mowing equipment is a much bigger risk than you using your private companies copier. The town gets sued a lot if that employee hits someone with the truck off the clock. Especially if it was okayed by bosses.


mpm4q2 t1_ixg2a2n wrote

The guys just wanted to make a few extra bucks. So what? If they were clocked in then that would be a problem.


bungocheese t1_ixduw42 wrote

yeah I get the gist, I just can't force myself to take this as seriously as these reporters are trying to force the narrative.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_ixdu0xa wrote

Exactly. WPRI is going to treat this like a modern day Watergate, but it's really hard for me to pretend it's that big a deal and keep a straight face


bluehat9 t1_ixesxqw wrote

Cool, I want to use it for my yard too


edthesmokebeard t1_ixeeuvz wrote

Cue the liberals fellating State government in 3..2..1..


Guyincognito4269 t1_ixeq8v3 wrote

Who's fellating state government about this? What you're describing is more of a conservative thing. You know "BUTTERY MALES" but the Cheeto bring home thousands of TS documents after he was no longer entitled to them is A-Ok.


mkmck t1_ixh6n90 wrote

Not to mention unleashing his fellow dogs on the Capitol building