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Frosty-Vegetable-385 t1_ix6gixp wrote

Wait why aren’t they accepting them?


wickedtachy t1_ix6gxey wrote

Vanity plates got stopped because the state screwed up and let a guy with a tesla get FKGAS. they literally gave him his reg and then pulled it and they went to court so the state at this time says they aren't taking requests but public opinions (idk what wording) but it's on the dmv site when you google vanity plates ri


oftcrash t1_ix7r3cx wrote

I saw that car in Smithfield. I laughed and tried to explain it to my kids. "See, even government agencies can have tantrums."


SweatyCockroach8212 OP t1_ix7vyqh wrote

According to that car's owner: "When Carroll purchased the electric-powered car, he told his daughter that they could charge the car with energy from their home-installed solar panels, and she said it was like “fake gas,” the ACLU said."

Uh huh...fake


wickedtachy t1_ix7w80l wrote

It's not even about his plate that I'm griped about. I have been trying to get a preferred plate, keep applying and getting nowhere. Okay I'll get a vanity plate, can't do it because the state screwed up and wouldn't own the mistake. Now we as rhode islanders paying car taxes and xyz can't even get the services and such that we're paying for. Keep making new stuff everyday but don't wanna take someone's money for something else.


SweatyCockroach8212 OP t1_ix81fev wrote

What's a preferred plate? Is that like getting your initials for the first two letters?


wickedtachy t1_ix81sgv wrote

Used to be 0-9999, then like weird combinations like your initials and 2 numbers or 3 specific numbers AA-018 you MUST contact the govenors office and fill out the application. It's online, but I've applied like 3/4 times. I know someone who waited 8 years for a preferred plate. But it's a mute point because I'm understanding they won't let them out because the state won't submit vanity plates