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Swamp_yankee_ninja OP t1_iydimb9 wrote

Not to mention since 2013 until now everything sold to medical cannabis patients has not been tested. They all have used pesticides, but will deny it.


Uncledrew401 t1_iydkfon wrote

I’ve totally been getting these weird rashes on my face at night which is usually around the time I smoke. Doesn’t happen every night but usually couple times a week and i get very nasally. I swear its an allergy to a pesticide or some shit from the weed i’ve been getting at RISE/greenleaf but theres no way to know for sure.


Swamp_yankee_ninja OP t1_iydlc48 wrote

You can have your purchase independently tested, but that is obviously cost prohibitive. I wonder what if any protections you have for prior banned pesticides being in your medical cannabis. I would think civil litigation would be a possible route if your health has suffered. Hopefully going forward you don’t have this issue anymore. If the rash problem does go away then you would have your answer as well.


Uncledrew401 t1_iydmbct wrote

Yeah it’s something im definitely intrigued about now and just might mention it to my primary and see if they’ve heard of anyone having similar issue.

But thanks for sharing this article and cheers to legalization/proper testing tomorrow!


Proof-Variation7005 t1_iyecff1 wrote

Is outdoor growing even legal on a commercial scale around here? I'd assume any grow facility in the state has to be indoors, meaning the practical need and reasoning for pesticides doesn't really exist.

For stuff sourced out of state, they should definitely be more thorough, but it's just common sense that you can severely limit the impact of insects on indoor crops without needing pesticides.

They should probably also fix the testing thresholds to be more in line with reasonable standards. 10 pbb is kind of insane.


Dopey-NipNips t1_iyez92f wrote

Have you ever seen the huge hemp fields in w Greenwich?

Not really related to your comment but it's really wild to see. You can smell it a mile away