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Swamp_yankee_ninja OP t1_iycxpwg wrote

The more you read the story the more infuriating it gets… put on your dumb and dumber hats for this one.


huh_phd t1_iyd4eo5 wrote

It's not hard to test for pesticides. They just cut corners to save money ffs


TheArts t1_iyd5gtj wrote

Kind of concerning thinking about all the mysterious stuff we smoked before weed was legal. Good to know we can get stuff without pesticides in it.


anal_gland_expressor t1_iyd7y0k wrote

10 parts per billion seems a little ridiculous but it also smells like bullshit that none of them use pesticides but have treated for ants and beetles outside.


Swamp_yankee_ninja OP t1_iydfu21 wrote

The DBR stated they have no proof growers used pesticides on the tested plants. Yet, every grower had a bizarre excuse, from leaky roof to spraying for ants and beetles outside for the contamination. They are lying through their teeth and the DBR is covering it up, because well… money.


bluehat9 t1_iydgvc1 wrote

I guess I don’t understand why you think those excuses are so bizarre? And how does lying about this get the DBR money? You’ll have to explain the conspiracy you see for those of us who are a bit less imaginative


Emotional-Simple-478 t1_iydhuom wrote

Back in the day weed used to come laced with crack. Pesticides are nothing.


canibringmydog t1_iydk8dl wrote

As a med patient, I stopped buying slater center’s brand of weed. It made me cough so much. I don’t know why they think selling a subpar product to literal med patients is a good business model. Even some of the other “retail” brands aren’t that great. I truly do not understand how weed grown by some guys uncle is better than medicinal.

Edit: I agree with everyone - someone who shows care will no doubt make a better product. Coming from CA where the rec weed was all incredible, I don’t understand why we can’t have nice things too (even if produced in mass quantities)


Uncledrew401 t1_iydkfon wrote

I’ve totally been getting these weird rashes on my face at night which is usually around the time I smoke. Doesn’t happen every night but usually couple times a week and i get very nasally. I swear its an allergy to a pesticide or some shit from the weed i’ve been getting at RISE/greenleaf but theres no way to know for sure.


WickedxJosh t1_iydkpj7 wrote

Some guys uncle might be doing it because it’s what he enjoys doing. Medical is doing it for the money.

It’s like asking why your local family run restaurant is better than McDonalds.


Swamp_yankee_ninja OP t1_iydlc48 wrote

You can have your purchase independently tested, but that is obviously cost prohibitive. I wonder what if any protections you have for prior banned pesticides being in your medical cannabis. I would think civil litigation would be a possible route if your health has suffered. Hopefully going forward you don’t have this issue anymore. If the rash problem does go away then you would have your answer as well.


psyguy45 t1_iydm6oa wrote

And this is why I (legally) grow my own


Uncledrew401 t1_iydmbct wrote

Yeah it’s something im definitely intrigued about now and just might mention it to my primary and see if they’ve heard of anyone having similar issue.

But thanks for sharing this article and cheers to legalization/proper testing tomorrow!


citrus_mystic t1_iydxoao wrote

When I bought from them I bought a prerolled 1 time and it was unsmokeable it caused such extreme coughing. That made me really concerned as to what they were putting in prerolls. I didn’t have a problem with their actual bud, though.


bluehat9 t1_iye75km wrote

That makes sense, but does simply testing positive for banned substances reach an acceptable burden of proof of willfully and knowingly using them? I think this is the dbr saying “this is your one chance to correct the problem”. It does seem that the dbr has the power to levy such a fine, so hopefully if there is good reason, they will do so.


Schmeel1 t1_iye9x04 wrote

RI has been selling medical cannabis for a long time without testing it for pesticides or heavy metals


Swamp_yankee_ninja OP t1_iyeb2eb wrote

Well, they have cameras at every cultivation center and RIDBR has access to them 24/7. So I suppose they could look for evidence of pesticide spraying. I don’t know if the RI law or DBR rules even have a provision for fines in this case. This of course is likely the last time they would be able to get away with it. Unless of course a grower made a financial contribution to the testing company.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_iyecff1 wrote

Is outdoor growing even legal on a commercial scale around here? I'd assume any grow facility in the state has to be indoors, meaning the practical need and reasoning for pesticides doesn't really exist.

For stuff sourced out of state, they should definitely be more thorough, but it's just common sense that you can severely limit the impact of insects on indoor crops without needing pesticides.

They should probably also fix the testing thresholds to be more in line with reasonable standards. 10 pbb is kind of insane.


davitdavis t1_iyedrcm wrote

I’d be more concerned with the powdery mildew that literally every strain of weed sold at RI dispensaries has or has been treated for. And by treated, I mean the growers dip the buds in hydrogen peroxide or a citric acid based substance


Jedmeltdown t1_iyeht3q wrote

I recall back in the day when the US government was spraying marijuana in Mexican that they knew was coming back up to America. What was the stuff called? Paraquat?


LurkingProvidence t1_iyeiczq wrote

I know a few people who have worked at cultivators and compassion centers. Mold, citrus spray, vacuuming spider mites off a few days before cut. Rolling thc tested material in hash, paying extra to bump the %.

Everything I’ve heard I would never buy dispensary bud in this state.


simplekindaman13 t1_iyek07r wrote

Just remember who’s husband is heavily involved in the RI cannibus business.


Antonio_Bologna t1_iyerb4m wrote

"County officials replied to our Freedom of Information request with the lyrics to 311's Amber."


AgixPixRI t1_iyes9ob wrote

Thanks regulation for protecting users!


UpsideProvJA t1_iyev2w1 wrote

Drugs Delaney would be disappointed


401jamin t1_iyf8iwm wrote

Not gonna lie the homegrown outdoors I got a bunch of hits cleaner than dispensary bud. Has a better high.


mantisMD97 t1_iyfbty7 wrote

This is nothing new, I worked in the RI cannabis industry since 2016, don’t assume your herb is good because it’s from a dispensary. Your friendly neighborhood grower has better weed on the black market.