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glennjersey t1_ixw91hw wrote

That's the point. He can't get a 10 rounder.

Not every firearm has 10 round mags available.

Further - without the magazine the firearm is operable useless. Many of them won't even fire without a magazine inserted (as a safety feature). So your car analogy is more apt if you said someone was taking the gas tank out of your car. Sure they're not taking your car, but they're rendering it pretty useless, no?


Guyincognito4269 t1_ixw94ki wrote

What kind of weapon is it?


glennjersey t1_ixw9o8c wrote

OP has not said, other than;

>I cannot order a 10 or less capacity magazine for this firearm as they are not made

One of the young senators made mention of a similar situation during the joke that was the hearings before they passed the law. This is not going to be an uncommon occurrence.


provendumb OP t1_ixwf8id wrote



Dopey-NipNips t1_ixwr5wj wrote

But you won't say what kind because you'll get 50 links showing how easy compliance with the law is
