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CrankBot t1_ixx7ll9 wrote

Sorry to hear you aren't easily able to get compliant mags, that stinks.

If you haven't yet looked up Mag Blocks you can check them, and if it's epoxied in then it would be considered permanent. Some gunsmiths can also press in a pin to make it compliant although that is probably pricey.

If you don't want to conveniently "lose" your magazines prior to the deadline you might be lucky enough to have family in another state without a capacity ban who can hold them for you?

I'm any case, good luck.


Coincel_pro t1_ixzallo wrote

I agree with your post but I am very wary of what will actually be defined as "permanent" since the law does not spell that out well at all. Guess who gets to be the test case? The 1st person arrested with a mag block. Then you get to see if a jury of your peers decides if your epoxy job is good enough to mean you broke no laws, or congrats now you're a felon, pay $5000 and lose all your guns to boot.


CrankBot t1_ixzckq0 wrote

That's 100% understandable if you or OP or anyone else do not want to take that chance. In that case OP should just sell the mags, put the gun in storage and buy something with easily obtainable compliant magazines.