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quahaug1945 t1_iytgnfq wrote

Twitter conspired with the DNC and the Biden Campaign to both silence opposing voices and spike a legitimate story about Hunter Biden's crimes. EVERY platform needs to honor and protect FREE POLITICAL SPEECH.


Dargobt t1_iytu0gv wrote

Dude, they were asking to take down revenge porn…the horror 🙄

Go peddle your lies somehwhere else


Originalfrozenbanana t1_iyugm2a wrote

Twitter conspired to follow its long standing policies against posting revenge porn and hacked content you numbskull


LoganImYourFather t1_iyv1all wrote

To stop revenge porn. Which now is prevalent posts by Senator's and Congress people under investigation, like Ted Cruz.


jdylopa2 t1_iyut1nb wrote

Are you in favor of nationalizing the social media industry?


PillowCaseCurtains t1_iyx56d0 wrote

You are arguing in favor of revenge porn…

Just step back and think about that for a second. I am sorry your mental illness is so deep.