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ACs_Grandma t1_j2clydn wrote

The children need to legally live in the school district in order to attend there OR you can pay to send them to private schools.


RisingMillennials OP t1_j2cmgi5 wrote

That doesn’t make sense. A child’s educational opportunities should not be limited to the zip code where they live, especially when the children live half the time with their grandparents. I believe this is state law. Additionally, when Providence gave control to the state to improve schools, failed miserably and displaced countless children, I believe families have the choice to send their kids to other districts. If it is a matter of taxes, the state should see who is moving and provide adequate reimbursements from property taxes paid to be reimbursed to respective towns for kids not living in the district. This whole thing is a mess.


missiemiss t1_j2dgg7r wrote

Sorry it doesn’t work that way. You live where you live and your kids go to those schools. Otherwise everyone would live where it’s cheap and bus there kids to the “nice” schools. Sorry Barrington and East Greenwich don’t want that.


Gsquzared t1_j2dke1x wrote

It's almost like school funding shouldn't be tied to property taxes.


[deleted] t1_j2eh4v8 wrote

“ A child’s educational opportunities should not be limited to the zip code where they live”

But it do, unfortunately. Thank the AFT they have a hand in this