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JSchecter11 t1_iz4pozx wrote

Hey, I'm sorry things are hard right now. I hope you will check out the following resources:

Food bank directory Food banks often now have diapers, feminine products, etc. It exists exactly for people going through what you are going through.

You should also be applying for SNAP and WIC. Do this as soon as possible- these programs also allow you to buy diapers, etc.

Also, check out the Community Care website. Lots of resources listed out there.

I see someone already listed toys for tots below, but also go check in at your local YMCA.


MourningStar12121 t1_iz4u820 wrote

Uhhhhh....pretty sure soliciting $$ from total strangers was her goal even tho I know this will get down voted. I've been in this situation but doing grimey shit like this felt WRONG (especially when 211 has every possible resource you'd ever need and is widely known throughout the state). Ppl gave u resources and you've rejected them all. Your kids are toddlers, chances are they won't remember this and a quick Google search has plenty of toy programs, but u knew that. You're being too picky and if you truly wanted Xmas gifts, ud sign up to every goddamn toy program, as I did...many of them ask for SPECFIC GIFTS for each child.


Majestic_Corner_1131 t1_iz52fyw wrote

Also I had a job, lost it, was supposed to start a new one. But it became a mess andi don’t start for two weeks, i planed on having been paid, Thanks for being rude and ignorant, sigh


Majestic_Corner_1131 t1_iz529l5 wrote

Sorry ur wrong I hope you never go through wha to am. Or maybe you should do you can be less ignorant.


MourningStar12121 t1_iz5hlfp wrote

I'm going through it now! But I don't try and prey on kind strangers...I utilize government programs and charities to get me through what is the most challenging time in MY life.. People gave you solid responses for resources and you shot everyone down and when asked if you were asking for money you all but flat out said yes. Your responses got my "ignorant " response.


Majestic_Corner_1131 t1_iz60znx wrote

So it’s okay for you to go to resources an govt help but it’s not okay for me to Ask for help from ppl, ?


bueno_hombre t1_iz4uox0 wrote

Do not buy christmas gifts this year. If you cannot afford wipes and diapers, then toys simply do not make the cut.


Emotional-Simple-478 t1_iz4n33e wrote

Are you looking for suggestions or donations?


Majestic_Corner_1131 t1_iz4o6td wrote

Just applied for cash benefits again but they need to me to apply for unemployment first which I didn’t when I lost my job becaus I thought I would hav started my new one by the time they processed it but my kids new daycare won’t thecfor two more weeks so now I can’t even getChristmas gifts, on top of that I had two separate car emergencies in the same month, first one costs a tow truck plus over 1k, second one costs a tow truck plus a new tire. I’ve had to borrow money from people. I am just devasted ajd trying to hold it together for my children who don’t deserve this.


Majestic_Corner_1131 t1_iz4nv88 wrote

Anything that can help


Unique-Public-8594 t1_iz4owwj wrote

Fill out the Toys for Tots online application here:


Majestic_Corner_1131 t1_iz4p510 wrote

Thanks I’ll apply. I did use this one year it was awesome; sadly a lot of the stuff since I didn’t get to pick it out, was random stuff and my kids could only use like one of the toys and I ends up donating the rest. I am really grateful for it, but it shcks it’s random toys your kids may not like you know? I just feel like a failure parent right now.


Majestic_Corner_1131 t1_iz4nwef wrote

I’m not coming to beg, but whe you’re a mom you do what you have to for your kids


Emotional-Simple-478 t1_iz4o703 wrote

You didn't answer the question


Majestic_Corner_1131 t1_iz4p0oa wrote

I am looking for either or both! Anything that can help me


tads73 t1_iz4rakv wrote

Dial 211


dmb1717 t1_iz5cyb5 wrote

If you're on Facebook, search "buy nothing" & your town/city name. Request to join the group. Read & follow the rules. You can request specific items like diapers and wipes, or comment on items that others are gifting. Helps if you have transportation to pick up. I see a lot of people gifting diapers and wipes that their children have outgrown in my local group.

There's also a a group "RI MOMS: ReGift, ReUse, Recycle" on Facebook that you could request to join. Similar to the buy nothing group, but slightly different rules so check them out. Lots of kids stuff on there. Things are posted and claimed quickly to kind of have to check frequently.

Good luck!


leavingthecold t1_iz52s8w wrote

Shouldn't the diapers, wipes, toiletries be the main focus of need?

Who cares about toys for the kids when they don't have basic necessities . Hell you can get them toys after Xmas when shits on sale just say Santa was late or some bs.


Majestic_Corner_1131 t1_iz535sm wrote

I was just adding that I don’t have money for Christmas gifts and how I was devastedd. There aren’t any resources I’ve found so far to help with gas, laundry mat, toiletries, soap, cleaning supplies ,etc Just was saying I’m devastated that I can’t get them gifts, and I haven’t found resource to help immediately so far for the other stuff. That’s all, but forget it


leavingthecold t1_iz5f7mk wrote

Just out of curiosity where is the father? If not in the picture is he at least paying child support?

Do you have any immediate or extended family to help?


NeptuneNancy42 t1_iz5r22h wrote

Some Catholic churches have a St. Vincent de Paul society whose purpose is to help people. You could start with the churches in your area and go from there. You don’t have to be a parishioner to ask for help.

My husband and I were volunteers when we lived in NJ and our group would help with rent, food, bills, getting cars repaired, connections to jobs- whatever we had the funds or ability to help with.

Search “St Vincent de Paul” in Google maps and it should bring up locations near you.


Majestic_Corner_1131 t1_iz613xw wrote

I did. They basically just help with rent.


NeptuneNancy42 t1_iz6csvv wrote

Really? In NJ we helped with many things. Our group even ran a food pantry.

Perhaps you can try a different church. They're all independently run.