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jimmygreen717 t1_iz5hbwb wrote

I grew up on mineral spring, which was amazing for learning how to deal with the unpredictable asshat drivers, but terrible for trying to go anywhere. And nobody knows how to actually use the freeways around here.

Also, my car has a loudish exhaust, but I'm always conscious of where I am and what time it is when driving around. It's possible to drive loud cars without being obnoxious. It sucks because a few dicks with loud cars give us all a bad rep. I promise most of us are just good people with an expensive hobby


mydrivec t1_iz7na1o wrote

My neighbor is the single reason I want all Harley owners to die. Likes to start it at 2am to move it 5 feet into the garage. LOVES to rev it up his driveway after midnight as well.

I do thank you u/jimmygreen717 for your courtesy...some of us appreciate it!


radioflea t1_iz96e2y wrote

What is the allure to driving a car with a loud exhaust in the suburbs? I always see guy’s doing the bwant bwants on Newport Ave. It’s both funny and a little sad. Nobody at Uncle Tony’s is impressed by the loud exhaust.


jimmygreen717 t1_iz99wvp wrote

A loud exhaust is a sign of a fast car. It's a side effect in a way. I bring my car to the track, and over the years of ownership, I've increased performance by changing parts, and one of those parts was the exhaust system. It's a piece of the whole picture and was necessary for me to upgrade the turbocharger.

However, you can also just change your exhaust, be loud, and have the "appearance" of being fast. If you don't do other modifications, it doesn't really equate to more performance, but depending on the car it might help a little bit. Some people just want to be loud for the attention.

So in conclusion, fast cars are loud, but not all loud cars are fast and some people like being looked at


Nighthawk9997 t1_iz9e5ky wrote

I second this, I myself have a twin turbo car, so an aftermarket exhaust is crucial for me, but at the same time I don't want my neighbors to hate me, thus I bought a valved system.