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TadpoleMajor t1_iz68x8c wrote

Reply to comment by Nighthawk9997 in RI drivers by [deleted]

My point is that you’re in raging them by not getting out of the passing lane


Nighthawk9997 t1_iz69ww9 wrote

That's not the point trust me I'm not camping I keep a safe following distance between me and the car in front of me, yet the car behind me is riding my ass and pulling my hair, so when a Fast & furious wannabe sees that little space 2 to 3 cars length he/she will throw their car and nearly hit me or the barrier, keep in mind this happens only on the two lines Highways (Eddie Dowling).


TadpoleMajor t1_iz6a6ip wrote

Ah yeah that’s different, context made me think that you were just chilling there, not going with speed of traffic :)
