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OutlandishnessNo7283 t1_iz7vlw1 wrote

I drive Providence > Boston > Providence every day, mostly 95, 93 and Mass Pike. I can unequivocally say that MA drivers are 1000x more dangerous and aggro than the average RI driver. Yes RI drivers can be bad, but in my experience it’s mostly because they’re too defensive. MA drivers routinely cut you off without so much as a blinker or a wave. They are all meteors hurtling through space and time with zero fucks given, completely unconscious to the havoc they leave behind in their wake.

At least RI drivers occasionally use blinkers and allow you to merge.


Nighthawk9997 t1_iz9vli7 wrote

I disagree with "RI drivers allow you to merge" have you seen the exit and entrance to the 146 highway, on the 95, it's like they will lose one of their lives if they let someone merge.


OutlandishnessNo7283 t1_izeycgf wrote

I was more comparing RI with MA, but you’re right, people don’t like merging around here:(. It’s like someone didn’t allow them to merge, so they’re paying it forward. It says a lot about the condition of people’s minds, very unhealthy to say the least.