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RobotUnicorn046 t1_iz5rk6r wrote

Best way I’ve heard RI drivers compared to other drivers like from MA is people from MA drive like they want to kill you, people from RI drive like they want to kill themselves


wyldweasil t1_iz5wkzn wrote

I find driving is easier in RI when you just accept that you're never going to be the fastest and someone else is always gonna be dissatisfied with your driving.

If someone's camping in the left lane, why get all mad about it and ruin your day because they made a stupid decision? Just crank the tunes louder and carry on


FourAM t1_iz5t83h wrote

Does everyone in this state merge with highway speed traffic at 35mph and then keep going 35mph? This is why traffic sucks. Merge at speed you fools!


KennyWuKanYuen t1_iz62lb1 wrote

This. I hate when people expect you to suddenly be able to climb a giant hill from 35 to 65 in a matter of seconds because they decided using the ramp to get up to 65 isn’t worth doing.


Xalenn t1_iz6xi8h wrote

It especially sucks if you're driving a big truck that actually needs the entire ramp to get up to 65, and then you're stuck going 35 at the merge point because some clown in front didn't want to use the ramp


BRAiN_8 t1_iz87jbp wrote

We almost had a pile up on the centerville to 95S. We were picking speed to merge because it was pretty busy and some dumb*** was full dead stop and signaling to merge at the end of the ramp.


easedownripley t1_iz5lia6 wrote

For your own sake, its better to just let it go. Keep aware, head on a swivel, trust no one, and don't get mad if no one got hit. No blood, no foul. Otherwise you're just going to make yourself crazy getting worked up over this.


Nighthawk9997 t1_iz5m5rq wrote

Oh I'm on alert full time not only to other drivers, but for potholes as well!


Triggify t1_iz5uote wrote

My soul dies a lil every time I see someone who doesn't know how to use the middle lanes to get into traffic from the opposite side of the road on Mineral or Bald Hill


Uncle_Tony96 t1_iz5ebh2 wrote

These posts are unpopular on this subreddit but I love them lol. I’ve been driving every day for the past 10 years and the drivers here still never fail to amaze me


citrus_mystic t1_iz5sotd wrote


My most recent gripe is people who ride my ass for leaving safe breaking distance in relation to the cars in front of me, regardless of the fact that I’m maintaining the same speed as the cars ahead are traveling at. Bonus points if they decide to go around and get in front of me, only to join the cars up ahead who aren’t going any faster.

Also had a jackass driving 80+ mph around the Thurbers Ave curve who decided to go around me because he didn’t think my speeding at 70+ mph in the fast lane (while trying to be mindful of the approaching curve with a blind corner) was good enough. He almost caused an accident to weave through the other lanes of traffic and cut me off while I had just been maintaining my speed but had to break and maneuver to avoid him hitting me. I got upset and gave him the finger… the fucker decided to break check me. When I changed lanes to get away from him, he cut me off (nearly hitting another car again) to try to break check me, again, before returning to the high speed lane. Fucking psychopath. Dude didn’t even give me the opportunity to move over and I was actively passing cars; it wasn’t like I was driving slowly in the high speed lane.


Nighthawk9997 t1_iz5v0az wrote

Damn, what an Ahole, I'm glad you're okay, some people have a miserable life and they don't care about their safety or the people around them.


Uncle_Tony96 t1_iz5vwcs wrote

Yup, sounds about right. And what’s scary is that this isn’t an uncommon thing anymore. I see this shit happen like 3 times every morning on my way to work on my 15 minute drive at 6am


anatomicallycorrect- t1_iz698wo wrote

I always keep a safe driving distance regardless. If somebody wants to tailgate me, fine, but when they rear end me, it's their fault. It's my fault if them hitting me causes me to hit the car in front of me.


citrus_mystic t1_izev3fr wrote

You’re definitely right but at the same time you also have to wonder: “if they hit me…” 1) and their car is drivable, will they pull over/stop? 2) Do they have car insurance? 3) Could I get hurt?

I’ve already been rear ended in a hit and run once (I was extremely lucky to only end up with some scratches on my bumper— it happened on an exit ramp). So I’m going to try to avoid the risk, especially in the high speed lane, if I can safely move over 1 lane and let the jackasses just go past me to go off and ride someone else’s bumper.


HighPlainsDrifting t1_iz6g80k wrote

Couldn't have said it better. Traffic pattern full and they think the entire world should move over and make way for them like that scene from Bruce Almighty. Its frickin Rhode Island, people! Wherever you're going, you'll be there in like 30 mins tops 😂 Calm down! And get off my ass.


Nighthawk9997 t1_iz5f7ns wrote

It's a message to RI drives, but who would care! No one. I like the people of Rhode island and especially the older folks, you get a story every time you meet one! But really bad drivers.


mar1293 t1_iz5l7ux wrote

And not knowing how to properly yield


Proof-Variation7005 t1_iz5sy2y wrote

>why do people try to cut me off while I'm already going over the speed limit (85mph in the 65mph zone)

Because we want to go 90 mph? Duh.


>then they will slow down when they get in front of me?

Oh, I'm sorry, have you never changed your mind before? 90 felt a little too fast.


>turn signals?

WTF are those?

> when you are on the highway and it is empty like no traffic in miles, don't match the speed of the car next to you so no one can pass you

The chances of making a new friend while driving at the exact same speed as them on the highway aren't great, but they're greater than 0%. You plan lowers those odds. Sorry, I'm siding with my new friend and you're no longer invited to go skiing with us.


> for the people with the loud exhaust, please stop driving your slow car in the city in the middle of the night some of us work for a living.

Sorry, can't hear you.


>stop using the middle lane on mineral springs to cut through traffic.

Moses used the middle lane of traffic to cut through the Red Sea, which is rich with many minerals.


Nighthawk9997 t1_iz5tcqy wrote

Ahahaha, best one was the Moses one, I was mad but now I'm happy, thank you.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_iz5wdgd wrote

i paused, read it back,, realized i hadn't gotten insane enough to make the point and I absolutely refuse to use that amateur hour slash s thing to indicate a joke.


jimmygreen717 t1_iz5hbwb wrote

I grew up on mineral spring, which was amazing for learning how to deal with the unpredictable asshat drivers, but terrible for trying to go anywhere. And nobody knows how to actually use the freeways around here.

Also, my car has a loudish exhaust, but I'm always conscious of where I am and what time it is when driving around. It's possible to drive loud cars without being obnoxious. It sucks because a few dicks with loud cars give us all a bad rep. I promise most of us are just good people with an expensive hobby


mydrivec t1_iz7na1o wrote

My neighbor is the single reason I want all Harley owners to die. Likes to start it at 2am to move it 5 feet into the garage. LOVES to rev it up his driveway after midnight as well.

I do thank you u/jimmygreen717 for your courtesy...some of us appreciate it!


radioflea t1_iz96e2y wrote

What is the allure to driving a car with a loud exhaust in the suburbs? I always see guy’s doing the bwant bwants on Newport Ave. It’s both funny and a little sad. Nobody at Uncle Tony’s is impressed by the loud exhaust.


jimmygreen717 t1_iz99wvp wrote

A loud exhaust is a sign of a fast car. It's a side effect in a way. I bring my car to the track, and over the years of ownership, I've increased performance by changing parts, and one of those parts was the exhaust system. It's a piece of the whole picture and was necessary for me to upgrade the turbocharger.

However, you can also just change your exhaust, be loud, and have the "appearance" of being fast. If you don't do other modifications, it doesn't really equate to more performance, but depending on the car it might help a little bit. Some people just want to be loud for the attention.

So in conclusion, fast cars are loud, but not all loud cars are fast and some people like being looked at


Nighthawk9997 t1_iz9e5ky wrote

I second this, I myself have a twin turbo car, so an aftermarket exhaust is crucial for me, but at the same time I don't want my neighbors to hate me, thus I bought a valved system.


Wise-Opportunity-659 t1_iz5tszm wrote

Because people in general everywhere have defaulted to offensive/aggressive driving rather then defensive.


RandomChurn t1_iz92zuw wrote

>Because people in general everywhere have defaulted to offensive/aggressive driving rather then defensive.

Seems like it's gotten to be wherever people are now 😣


BingBong022 t1_iz5tuzf wrote

Why do people drive in the left lane on the highway doing 65-70, and refuse to move over into the right lane to let faster cars behind them pass? I wish people understood that the middle lane is for normal driving, left lane for passing, and right lane for taking an upcoming exit. If everyone abided by these simple things, their would be a lot less traffic and accidents.


Nighthawk9997 t1_iz5vubd wrote

The office or whoever responsible for that, should mark the roads like that, instead they renumbered the Highways exists!


NOT_So_work_related t1_iz5y7gu wrote

The renumbering was a federal initiative, get over it. The alternative would have been losing federal highway money and higher local taxes to make up for the federal money loss.


Nighthawk9997 t1_iz76oyt wrote

Not big in politics but I watch sports big fans of Alisha Lehmann’s.


NOT_So_work_related t1_iza4xm9 wrote

I'm not big on either and I had to look up who Alisha is. The exit renumbering has been complained about numerous times here.


Nighthawk9997 t1_iza5i4s wrote

In dumb explanation, RI did the renumbering so they could take money from the federal reserve, and not from Rhode island taxes? BTW how was Alisha?


NOT_So_work_related t1_izabuv7 wrote

For a bit of an explanation...

While not in any of the articles I quickly looked up, there is financial ramifications to the state if they don't comply. I believe that the state gets some federal money for highway maintenance. I think they risk losing at least part of it if they don't comply.

I can see the appeal of Alisha. No clue how well she plays soccer...


Nighthawk9997 t1_izac374 wrote

She play soccer? LoL 😂 Thank you for the link I will check it out after my finals.


TzarKazm t1_iz6xesq wrote

My favorite are all the people in their jeeps and trucks that have to slow down to 2 miles an hour anywhere it says "bump" in the road.


MikeMac999 t1_iz7cz91 wrote

We moved to RI about a year and a half ago and were warned that the drivers here were really something special. I’ve lived in a few places, everyone says that kind of thing. Nope, they really are special here, I routinely witness something insane on the road whenever I go out.


RedditSkippy t1_iz5pfc6 wrote

Yesterday someone decided that the fact that I was going to stop at a stop sign was too much. Passed me, and then blew right through the stop to keep going. I imagine that they saved an entire 10 seconds.


Hanamii- t1_iz65gao wrote

Try driving around apponaug circle, 17 rotaries and nobody knows how to use them


jjayzx t1_iz6qk0o wrote

I've been piling up clips from my dash cam to make a montage of RI driving. A masterpiece of shit.


OutlandishnessNo7283 t1_iz7vlw1 wrote

I drive Providence > Boston > Providence every day, mostly 95, 93 and Mass Pike. I can unequivocally say that MA drivers are 1000x more dangerous and aggro than the average RI driver. Yes RI drivers can be bad, but in my experience it’s mostly because they’re too defensive. MA drivers routinely cut you off without so much as a blinker or a wave. They are all meteors hurtling through space and time with zero fucks given, completely unconscious to the havoc they leave behind in their wake.

At least RI drivers occasionally use blinkers and allow you to merge.


Nighthawk9997 t1_iz9vli7 wrote

I disagree with "RI drivers allow you to merge" have you seen the exit and entrance to the 146 highway, on the 95, it's like they will lose one of their lives if they let someone merge.


OutlandishnessNo7283 t1_izeycgf wrote

I was more comparing RI with MA, but you’re right, people don’t like merging around here:(. It’s like someone didn’t allow them to merge, so they’re paying it forward. It says a lot about the condition of people’s minds, very unhealthy to say the least.


TheOGJayRussle t1_iz70pgq wrote

I dunno but a new report said RI is one of the safest states for driving, so congrats on your defensive driving.


Nighthawk9997 t1_iz7606e wrote

😂 I saw that today, Massachusetts is the dangerous one!


TheOGJayRussle t1_iz79qj9 wrote

And at the same time RI was voted #1 for the highest rate of identity theft!


Nighthawk9997 t1_iz7a2vt wrote

Well no shit, I receive at least 20 scam calls a day.


TheOGJayRussle t1_iz7abv7 wrote

Same here all from the little known never heard of towns and cities.


RivalSFx t1_izbpsm4 wrote

My father used to say "give me an army as aggressive as the Rhode Island driver and I could rule the world".


Grand_Profession_207 t1_iz6troo wrote

I know BMW drivers have a bad reputation but I maintain, Nissan Altimas are the most frequent vehicle in my abysmal driver encounters which is made worse by the fact that they’re often not meticulously maintained.


Nighthawk9997 t1_iz77399 wrote

It's a joke bro, there is the good and the bad in everything.


Grand_Profession_207 t1_iz784k3 wrote

Lol don’t worry man, I got the joke. I just had to vent cause I got walked by 2 Altimas on 95 this morning


AbStRaCt1179 t1_iz7qcqh wrote

I hate the rotary in Chepachet. People stop going around it all the time to let people go!! Just drive around it already!!!


ZombieBrave t1_iz7xke6 wrote

I live in a residential neighborhood with a school and plenty of dogs, and I admittedly speed a bit down the main stretch. I'm tired of having people up my ass when I'm already going faster than i should, flashing lights, and honking their horns when I'm trying to look out for kids and dogs.

So I just drop down to the speed limit now (25 mph😘)


Nighthawk9997 t1_iz7y5qu wrote

I do the same, especially around elementary schools, because there's always a kid running after a basketball, and this actually happened today, my heart dropped lower than my balls.


radioflea t1_iz95hy8 wrote

I always wonder why they are speeding. Job? hot date? sketchy fireworks store? mother in law’s house? I doubt it!


LittlestBokChoy t1_iz97tny wrote

Racing to RIC to fight over the 1 parking spot before class…


BendekStormsaver t1_izcic8x wrote

I don’t miss RIC parking


LittlestBokChoy t1_j0ncd16 wrote

It got a little better after covid, many classes resumed as hybrids when we realized some zoom lectures were efficient. A lot of people could stay home for part of their day.


Distinct-Ad5751 t1_iz65jyt wrote

I’m fortunate; my commute is Westerly - Cranston/Rte 37 and most 95 drivers on this route are well behaved.


tusk354 t1_iz75v3f wrote

isnt the left hand hwy-lane the pre-designated 40MPH lane ?

i usually roll on the right and hope for the best and leave space .. for "RI maneuvers"


Nighthawk9997 t1_iz9vs99 wrote

40mph highway? It's 55mph but you really go by following the flow.


tusk354 t1_izatl9a wrote

i think you just havent encountered one of the 40 MPH in the left people . dont worry, i have faith you will . in RI , seems like they are bound to be there .

usually the rest of the hwy gets pissed and all floors it in all other lanes when this happens .


another one for providence - there are NO stop signs .


KemperTemper1 t1_iz92kn1 wrote

Problem number one is it sounds like you moved to NP, frequent 146, are required to deal with mineral spring and all its lovely nuances. I would be grumpy too.


RainWinss t1_iz9fre8 wrote

I think people get really bored with their everyday lives and look for “competition” on the road. Hungry for any type of win or way to cut corners so they can feel accomplished. They don’t rush because they’re later for something, they rush because they’re frustrated and think everyone is out to annoy them.


OutlandishnessNo7283 t1_izcswxf wrote

I was more comparing RI with Ma, but you’re definitely right. Lots of room for improvement for RI drivers.


Nighthawk9997 t1_izekebz wrote

There are a lot more things that I forgot to mention. For instance, people accelerate on purpose, so you can't merge. Jeep Wrangler drivers aiming their aftermarket headlights incorrectly, lifted trucks without mudguards or mud flaps and damaged bumpers and windshields.


bluehat9 t1_iz5nbzj wrote

When you say people cut you off, what do you mean?


Nighthawk9997 t1_iz5nthu wrote

Throwing their car at me barely making it, and not hitting my fender or the car in front of them, so it's a driving thing not a barber cut.


bluehat9 t1_iz5o5ef wrote

Like merging in front of you when there isn’t really room to merge? Is this when you’re going 85 in the right lane or left lane or anywhere?


Nighthawk9997 t1_iz5oo1e wrote

Exactly, and my car will freak out and hit the brakes by itself, this happens on the Eddie Dowling hwy, only!


bluehat9 t1_iz5sxlg wrote

I could see it happening there, since it’s only 2 lanes and people will intentionally not create space to merge


Nighthawk9997 t1_iz5u0db wrote

I actually leave about 2-3 car lengths ahead of me, because I was brake checked before and I don't want it to happen again, but I do get what you mean there are some drivers that would intentionally accelerate when they see someone trying to merge.


jackassjimmy t1_iz5wwuv wrote

Because Rhode Island is an awful, sub-human hell-scape of a place to live.


TadpoleMajor t1_iz684gl wrote

If someone’s trying to pass you when you’re in the left-hand lane, you’re the one in the wrong. The rest of it I agree with.


Nighthawk9997 t1_iz68j6h wrote

I leave 2-3 cars ahead of me just to be safe.


TadpoleMajor t1_iz68x8c wrote

My point is that you’re in raging them by not getting out of the passing lane


Nighthawk9997 t1_iz69ww9 wrote

That's not the point trust me I'm not camping I keep a safe following distance between me and the car in front of me, yet the car behind me is riding my ass and pulling my hair, so when a Fast & furious wannabe sees that little space 2 to 3 cars length he/she will throw their car and nearly hit me or the barrier, keep in mind this happens only on the two lines Highways (Eddie Dowling).


TadpoleMajor t1_iz6a6ip wrote

Ah yeah that’s different, context made me think that you were just chilling there, not going with speed of traffic :)


htzer t1_iz6u2gl wrote


Because we here in the US decided that we’re going to invest in only the most inefficient and dangerous way to get around that is subject to human emotion and flaws.

No trains and bikes, thats not in the best interest of the Oil lobbyists. Now shut up and get back in your car.


KennyWuKanYuen t1_iz633ed wrote

What bugs me most is coming off exit ramps and the under construction areas. People suddenly drop their speeds to like 40. Like what the hell?!

I often have to take RT10 and the amount of people going like 50 is insane. Hit 70 or GTFO. Same thing on the 195W split too. They’ll be going 70 and suddenly brake to 50 for no damn good reason, when clearly you can still pass at 70.

People need to stop braking for no good reason. If you’re not comfortable taking a bend at 70, move over. Don’t block someone else from doing it.
