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fishythepete t1_izalon5 wrote

Important to note that individuals have to be offered beds if they’re being removed from “Public Property” under Martin v. Boise.

I guess the moral of the story is if you’re homeless and can’t get a bed, camp at the State House instead.


BMorris2526 t1_izbrhc6 wrote

Drop them off on the east side of Providence. All those elitists can practice what they preach and take them into their large homes.


tads73 t1_izcrkix wrote

The irony is, wealthy liberals become conservative on matters of housing.


RatFink_0123 t1_izc37xy wrote

LOL gotta love the downvotes, but I’m with ya!


Physical-Half-5424 t1_izc7tfd wrote

East side of Providence, Narragansett, etc. Let the people who support the handouts deal with it face to face. My neighborhood dealt with it and the nylo. Hopefully they find a better solution.


BingBong022 t1_izcta0p wrote

Lmao, you rather have a bunch of homeless people everywhere versus providing them shelter via "handouts"? Smart


Silentjosh37 t1_izew8nc wrote

Yeah, they oppose any sort of funding to assist the homeless, really anything that doesn't benefit them directly, when "liberals" try to offer solutions and address the issues they turn around and say drop them off in their backyards or why don't they take them in and that is the only solution they offer instead of putting forth an actual plan. This goes the same for just about anything they deem "progressive" or "socialist" program. No plan to address the issue except ignore it and hope it solves itself some how.

It is all socialism until they need it.

They tend to forget things like Police, Fire, Social Security(literally in the name), schools etc are all "social" programs.


BingBong022 t1_izfpbkp wrote

It's the ole pull yourself up by your bootstraps mentality. They stop viewing the homeless as human beings and treat them like cattle. Hell even cattle are provided a barn in the winter.


[deleted] t1_izb2yu9 wrote



allhailthehale t1_izb6k6g wrote

Moving people along when you don't have a place for them to go isn't compassion. The warming station that McKee references in his quote-- which was designed to ameliorate the shortage of beds-- isn't yet open. Where are they sending people? There simply aren't many options.


Alarmed_Nebula3917 t1_izbdce9 wrote

I thought a lot of the homeless were being put up in vacancies at extended stays and motels around the state


commandantskip t1_izbhlwj wrote

That was during the pandemic, but apparently that's over now.


FrequentAnnual1262 t1_izan73m wrote

There is a book written by James O'Connell, formerly of Newport. That discusses the concept of "rough sleeper" in a book he wrote about his work with the homelessness in Boston. I" m on my phone but you can find it on Amazon... if you want a better understanding of the homeless suggest reading it.


rustybullrake t1_izb2m5d wrote

4 copies available in the RI public library system.

>Stories from the shadows : reflections of a street doctor

>by James J. O'Connell, M.D.

>Dr. O'Connell's collection of stories and essays, written during thirty years of caring for homeless persons in Boston, gently illuminates the humanity and raw courage of those who struggle to survive and find meaning and hope while living on the streets.


ananda_yogi t1_izco856 wrote

Cool, I'm going to pick this up tomorrow, thanks!


Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_ize4hue wrote

The irony is those so called homeless people at one time paid taxes, essentially cementing their stake in public lands. We all have a right to public property. The State owns nothing, we the people are the State, we own the land. If I ever become homeless, the first thing I would to is head out to the woods of western RI and build a cabin on “State” land.


Xalenn t1_izc11f2 wrote

Maybe it's just me but calling people individuals always seems so odd ... Why can't we just call them people?

Homeless people evicted from State House grounds


crawfishonacid t1_izchsen wrote

'People' refers to an unnamed group and it that is easy to dismiss a group. Using 'individuals' reminds us that we are dealing with human beings, each with their own name, own needs, and histories. Each individual is important and harder to dismiss.


Realistic-Mix-1560 t1_izb5fnx wrote

Dan McKee lives in a million dollar home with 5 beds and 5 baths on 4 acres in Cumberland, why hasn’t he offered a warm place to stay yet?


BingBong022 t1_izctiy6 wrote

What an airtight and well thought out argument. I think you've changed everyone's mind on the homeless crisis. Congratulations, you get a cookie 🍪


Vertchewal t1_izdb6we wrote

You said it yourself, there’s only 5 beds and 2 are already taken.


DecafEqualsDeath t1_izgkrkh wrote

The governor inviting all the state's homeless to live in his home doesn't seem like a scalable solution to homelessness to me..