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Uncle_Tony96 t1_j1x4eav wrote

$10 it’s gonna be another Chipotle/ bank/ Starbucks combo


techsavior t1_j1xir9s wrote

Don’t forget about an urgent care. Those are part of the package.


clboisvert14 t1_j1zgnwt wrote

I’m okay with this i spent 3 hours at an urgent care yesterday because a hellion gave me something at christmas dinner.


nevitales t1_j213tih wrote

Are you forgetting that Coventry is now land of the Dollar General??


r0se_buds t1_j1z35sx wrote

Good, Coventry needs a Starbucks! Wouldn't hurt to have something besides Taco Bell for American-Mexican food, either. Coventry lacks in that area.


rifraf66 t1_j1zjjmt wrote

Every plaza in Rhode Island has to have a Dunkin, pizza shop and a vap store. Either that or an O'Reilly's.


rifraf66 t1_j1zjith wrote

Every plaza in Rhode Island has to have a Dunkin, pizza shop and a vap store. Either that or an O'Reilly's.


Agreeable_Highway_48 OP t1_j1wvkh7 wrote

News article says the abandoned plaza is up for sale after 30 years.

My theory is Stop and Shop owns/owned it to block a competitor from moving in. Now they can't afford to keep it selling moldy bread and cheese and $14/lb store brand deli turkey.

Stop and Shop is on its way out. Here's hoping maybe a Market Basket moves in and puts the final nail in their coffin.


[deleted] t1_j1xapf3 wrote

Agreed. Stop and Shop operates like a business that knows their days are numbered around here. Good riddance


Revolutionary_Bit_38 t1_j1z56vp wrote

Think it was to prevent the Walmart next door to expanding to a super Walmart, they did the same thing with the Rhode Island mall. But now that Walmart is in center I’d New England they can let it go.


koidrieyez t1_j1z4rkc wrote

Serious? We drive past our Stop and Shop to get to yours in Coventry. 1000x better than the one in Richmond.


SpaghettiHeadie t1_j1xa737 wrote

My mom would take us shopping at the Almacs here as a kid, get our haircut at Fantastic Sam's, and then my brother and I would wander into Radio Shack and gawk at the remote control cars. Later in life, 99c whoppers at the Burger King next door. Hope SOMETHING happens to this lot.


BaconMobile t1_j1z3psb wrote

Please, please, please no more dollar stores. It's just insane how many we have in this State alone. It's all just plastic junk that gets bought and tossed in the garbage 2 days later. The amount of plastic waste that these dollar stores are contributing to the world is astounding.

What they should be doing is opening up more dispensaries ASAP and get some actual tax money flowing into the State.


nevitales t1_j214plu wrote

No no no. Coventry needs another Dollar General in that exact spot. There's 2 or 3 others on the same street, however there's too much of a gap between the one towards western and the one in central!


[deleted] t1_j1zb327 wrote



BaconMobile t1_j1zbgg8 wrote

I would rather see another dispensary open up rather than another Dollar General.

I am fine paying a little more for a vape cart from an actual dispensary rather than some dude


Sovereign-State t1_j1x3dtl wrote

SnS definitely owned it, and they held on to it so another competitor would not move in.

However, the town council supposedly put pressure on them to sell since everyone is eternally pissed off about the development of an open field with an old oak (?) tree in the center down the street while this remained a vacant eyesore.


nevitales t1_j214423 wrote

I wouldn't even say it was the town council as a whole, it seems as though one of the newly elected members pushed for it


chancrescolex t1_j1xyohc wrote

How about a dollar plaza? Family dollar, dollar tree, and dollar general all in one place


buddhamanjpb t1_j1yydtw wrote

I know you're being sarcastic here, so not sure about the downvotes. The amount of dollar stores popping up in Coventry is horrible.


ugottabjokin t1_j1ywlxh wrote

Nail Salon, pizza place, barber, pay day loan shop and Dollar Tree.


ziddersroofurry t1_j1ze8xh wrote

" “Coventry has one major commercial area … and this is it.”"

....did he forget the huge fucking Wal-Mart plaza just up the road? lol


nevitales t1_j2148jg wrote

That plaza is not only a dump, with potholes that will swallow a semi, and can never manage to keep half the stores anywhere in there.


ziddersroofurry t1_j2224n3 wrote

I haven't been there since moving from RI in '11 but I believe it.


invadrzim t1_j1zzbmf wrote

Everyone saying its going to be another dollar store or dunkin or something are going to be even more disappointed when its made into yet another self-storage lot.

You buy the land, you throw up a sloppily built metal “building” with minimal insulation and some garage doors, staff it a few hours a week if at all and do almost no maintenance while raking in tens of thousands a month from poor people who had to downsize from a 1000sqft apartment to a 700sqft apartment because the rent doubled.

Yay unchecked capitalism! /s


huh_phd t1_j1xlyvn wrote

I just hope it's something novel


nevitales t1_j215pyr wrote

I'm sure whatever it is either won't last long, be a rotation of stores that won't last, or unfortunately be yet another empty plaza. I appreciate it finally being listed for sale but with so many empty plazas and other buildings I am skeptical of any new development in town.

I was just talking to someone the other day about how Coventry isn't a destination town. Nobody from other towns gets up and says they're running to a restaurant or store in Coventry, meanwhile most Coventry residents tend to also go elsewhere for restaurants and stores.

Really disappointed the bakery/bagel shop (Baked) that opened up by China Star never ended up making it.


sunflowerRI t1_j1xyvsw wrote

There's a rumor going around that Ames is going to make a comeback in our area. Who knows?!


ImTotallyNotBen t1_j1zhhan wrote

I saw on Facebook that John Pascua, the Coventry Town Councilman that orchestrated the current owners to sell this land, said that there are plans to build a new elementary school there right now but he doesn’t want to limit his options in case those plans fall through so they’re looking at retail development there too.


NashiraTremont t1_j1zlnec wrote

If it's yet another dollar store I'm moving. So disappointed with the town for allowing them EVERYWHERE. Speaking with my $$ and refusing to shop at any of them. Their "discounts" are actually more expensive anyway, folks. Do the research.


quahaug1945 t1_j1zxgqu wrote

The property is below grade compared to the surrounding properties. It is also VERY WET. It will be extremely expensive and complicated to develop that property and meet environmental specifications.


sandsonik t1_j264zhj wrote

Did I miss what the theory is?