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Beebeeleen t1_j1zoqpv wrote

What a complete steaming mess of crap. I'll tell you what this is about: the government infringing on our rights. This whole peanut allergy thing has gone too far.

Are the feds gonna bust through my door to confiscate all my jars of peanut butter?

And what self-respecting man doesn't enjoy a gun flavored peanutbutter and jelly sammich?

I'm through with these totalitarian peanut allergy gestapo-commie ninjas. If I want a peanutbutter gun and jelly sammich, nobody can say otherwise. If this right isn't in the constitution already then it should be. My body; my choice.


spatial_needs t1_j20i1zg wrote

Enjoy those sandwiches while you still can because the gluten will be next.