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j0nny5iv3 t1_izky6mq wrote

Sounds like a great program. Do they only do insulation and heating? I have solar and my house seems to be pretty well insulated but I guess it wouldn’t hurt to get checked. I know we’re off season but does anyone know if they have any programs to install central air I know it’s a long shot lol


SnooDrawings7662 t1_izl1c8y wrote

It doesn't hurt to get it checked - and checking is free. :)
When the auditor comes over - they will go over the full list of available programs.. and if you ask them, they will talk about heating/cooling.


FrequentAnnual1262 t1_izl1dh6 wrote

Not sure about AC, but it is worth a shot.... have them come out anyways.


FuriouslyFurious007 t1_izlx4h7 wrote

AC is not covered under the program, unless you're talking a combo heat pump system that does heating and cooling.