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Null_Error7 t1_izk4m6z wrote

Borellis on Tiogue


ShiningSquirrel t1_izk9rrf wrote

I really could not recommend Borellis. We went there 3 times, all 3 times the goods where terrible. Apple turnovers with lemon icing, brownies with lemon, a cake again lemon flavored. Everything we purchased was lemon flavored and just not good at all. I do not know if someone mixed up the vanilla and lemon flavorings by mistake or what, but we threw everything out and have never gone back.


Null_Error7 t1_izklnnz wrote

They have a massive selection so not sure how everything was lemon flavored. I’ve also never even had anything from there with lemon.


ShiningSquirrel t1_izkpz1e wrote

We tried 3 different times over a 2 week period and everything was lemon flavored, it was really bizarre. Things that I have never even heard of using lemon on, and it was a strong flavor as well. Like I said, either someone mixed up the flavors or where PO'ed at the owner and trying to screw up things on purpose, but everything was so foul tasting, we just never went back.


Null_Error7 t1_iznjaww wrote

Sorry buddy but I don’t believe you. I go every Sunday


ShiningSquirrel t1_izoujhb wrote

I really could not give a rats ass if you believe me or not, your just a faceless nobody on the internet, nothing more.