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JackpotJooser t1_iznxswd wrote

I very seriously doubt that there is an over-population issue in Idaho lol


Jmac3366 t1_iznyyb4 wrote

They have the same issue as Montana where rich ppl from California etc moved there for second homes during Covid


debasing_the_coinage t1_izobxco wrote

Population density:

Rhode Island: 1006/mi^2

Idaho: 21/mi^2


Jmac3366 t1_izsd364 wrote

Issue is the economy there is much more dependent on agriculture and other things that require large areas of land


harris023 t1_izogmo8 wrote

Moved from idaho to RI about a year ago now… there is definitely a huge influx of people moving in state, mainly from California and Washington


HotConcrete t1_izo9gmt wrote

Also, unless they’re a native their family emigrated there in the past 150 years and probably more recently than that.