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BadNurseJoy t1_izyo55m wrote

“Dumped”. that’s like 3 inches. Gonna be a long winter for you


Ryan_diaz1 OP t1_izyss4w wrote

I’ve always lived in warm places like florida, been there for 13 years and honestly I’m loving this. Having actual seasons is nice to have. So bring it on!


LateToSapphos t1_j00morf wrote

You’ll be tired of it by January xD


Ryan_diaz1 OP t1_j00mz9h wrote

Bet, I’m a cold weather person, I need better cold weather gear though. Also I don’t own a car so that frees me of most of the struggles.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j07i4do wrote

About 24-48 hours after the first real snowstorm, you'll realize why I find this comment so funny.

The roads get cleared mostly by that point. They're narrower, but clear. Sidewalks? Not so much.


Ryan_diaz1 OP t1_j07jkqi wrote

Yup, in typical american fashion the cars get treated with royalty meanwhile everyone else gets the short end of the stick. Lots of slippery ice on the sidewalks that were not salted


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j07mb0l wrote

It's not a typical American car thing. It's a "a lot of your neighbors are lazy and inconsiderate" thing.

The side owned sidewalks are usually fine. The only fault of the city is they don't fine the shit out of bad property owners.