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netwirk t1_izwn858 wrote

Getting an earlier start?


september-sun OP t1_izws9uu wrote

Just got out of work, want a beer before bed.


FunnyFilmFan t1_izwzrcx wrote

As a person who used to work an overnight shift, I feel your pain. The world is not set up for people whose work day ends at 6am.


MosEisleyXingGuard t1_izwyuac wrote

If you're in Providence, Louis Family Restaurant on Brook St (over by Brown) does beer and wine. Pretty sure I've seen residents just off their shift at the hospital with an omelette and a beer in the mornings


netwirk t1_izx71hl wrote

Yep it’s the blue laws, but right over the RI/Mass line there is a convenience store that sells beer. I think it’s called Flaming Mrkt in Attleboro.